Moms-to-be Check-In Week of 12/6


Hi Everyone! My workouts have been next to they are:
Tues: Walk-45 minutes
Wed: decorated for Christmas
Thursday: Put up tree
Friday: EFX-30 minutes
Sat: Bowflex-15 minutes, cleaned, baked (and ate a lot of cookies)
Sun: Walk-45 minutes

Today, I had packed up my gym bag, and had great intentions to go to the gym after work, but I had a bit of a stomach ache, so I came right home. I plan to do some KPC (Cathe), and hit the gym tomorrow.

I started getting the Braxton Hicks contractions (they are not painful). I am going to the dr's for a regular check-up on WEd, so I will mention that. Is anyone else getting them yet? I read that they are normal, but they still freak me out!

I sat down tonight and wrote out a list of all the things I need to do at school before I take my leave (quite a list). Jen, do you have to get anything prepared? I won't have to do any lesson plans, but I still have to get some things in order. I know it will not be for a while yet, but it's on my mind.

My DH and I are having our 3rd annual Christmas party on Friday, so this week will be very busy getting the house ready for that.

I hope everyone has a great week!
Hi Jen,

Your workouts were better than mine! I only made it to Curves once last week and that was it. I'm hoping this week will be better.

I think I felt the baby move last week!!!! It was very light and I haven't really felt it again. It could have been stomach rumbling but it felt different than the usually stomach stuff. So I'm counting it as baby movements for now.

Not much else to report. Hope everyone is doing well.


I haven't made any plans for when I leave, but I think I should start packing some boxes so I can gradually empty out. I do want to leave some materials for my substitute though.

How cool to feel the baby move! I'm not sure if I've felt movement yet, as I feel lots of different sensations; I'll wait until it's obvious to me before I'll admit to feeling them!:eek:

Last week was pretty good, as I'm feeling good. I've really popped out now, and I can't stop checking out my tummy. Where has my old me gone?:p

Sun. Christi's Totally Hot Cardio 30 min.
Tues. Cathe C&W (Cardio and Compound) 35 min.
Thurs. Karen Sleek Physique Yoga 25 min
Fri Cathe's Body Fusion Upper & Lower Body Add On Strength (40 min)
Sat. Cathe Basic Step 30 min.

I'm really liking Cathe's Basic Step and Body Fusion DVD. It's so easy to modify, and it's mostly low impact anyway. The band work really worked my muscles differently- using the bands will give me a nice change to my routine. I'm glad I got it for my pregnancy.

Have a great week everybody!

Jennifer V.
21 weeks
Howdy ladies,

I'm new to the forums, I get CF on FitTV and really enjoy her workouts!

My w/o's are always pretty consistent each week. I teach 4 classes at my local YMCA. My daughter, Madeline 14 mo really enjoys the play room there and I enjoy a little time to myself. I teach:

1 step class
1 low impact class
2 senior's interval circuit classes

I work out a little at home, but I'm such a nervous eater when I'm PG that I'd like to be working out more often. I hope to get some new DVD's of CF to add to my collection so that I can mix it up a bit. I can say that this pregnancy is much different based on the physical exercise I'm getting. On the days that I w/o I feel like a million bucks!

Take care and look forward to chatting with you all later!

Step guru/aerobics instructor
DD 14 mo
PG w/#2, EDD 6/1/05
Hi everyone!

I used to post on this thread but I ended up on "modified bed-rest" due to preterm contractions.
But, it looks like things have slowed down now. The MD took me off of the bed-rest and said I could walk for 15 minutes at a time and could do yoga... no lifting, no intense exercise.
Plus, I'm still working.

Anyway, what yoga videos can ya'll recc? I have 1 that I have yet to use but I can't remember the name (Prenatal yoga? Rhea somebody?).

I'm also going to try to walk evry other day or so... Depending on the contractions.

Glad to see that everyone is doing so well!
23 weeks:)
>Anyway, what yoga videos can ya'll recc? I have 1 that I have
>yet to use but I can't remember the name (Prenatal yoga? Rhea
>23 weeks:)

Yes, Michele!

Shiva Rhea has a PreNatal Yoga video. I borrowed it from a friend. I like that it demonstrates three levels of yoga, depending on which trimester you are currently in:).

Jennifer V.
22 weeks

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