Moms rock!!

OK WHO HERE DESIGNATES MAGGIE AS OUR MOMMY MASCOT? Six kids and you home school? Maggie you are awesome - a rare gem. Thank goodness that you and women like you are having kids and raising kids. You and your DH are giving the world six well loved people - we need lots of them to keep this crazy planet turning right.... plus one foxy momma to cheer them on at those soccer games.

My new mantra when I don't want to work out will be "What would Maggie do?"

BTW my girls loved watching Tae Bo videos in their play pens while I worked out. Start training them young indeed!
Us moms do rock! I have a 6,5, and 3 year old and I work out everyday for at least an hour. I tell my girls that I am a better mommy when I have worked out. My girls have their own set of weights and they love to watch mommy work out. It is such a part of our lives. I ran six miles a day with my last daughter up until one day before I gave birth. It feels great to be a fit mom. Let's keep up the good work moms!


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