Moms...flu shot for your kids???


I was just wondering if any moms out there do or do not get the flu shot for your kids. My son (6) just started K and this is the first year he has been exposed to many germs since he was never in daycare or preschool. My other 2 kids are 4 and almost 2. Dh keeps telling me to take them to get the shot. I just don't know what to do.....

Dh got the shot at work last week. He is out with the flu as we speak. He has been sleeping since 8:30 last night. I keep going in there to check on him, give vitamins, juice, tylenol, vicks, and taking his temp. He just wants to sleep.

My kids have had a "bad" flu before (we all did at xmas 2 years ago) and they survived. So what do you do for your kids? Shot or no shot?


I have been giving my kids the flu shot since they were little and never had a reaction to the flu shot nor gotten the flu after getting it, I have heard that some people get sick anyway after getting the flu shot but for me and my family we have no, some bad colds but that is about it
Aiden gets the flu shot yearly. He is 2.5. He hasn't had any problems or reactions to it.


My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.
--Ellen Degeneres
viola got the flu shot when she was younger but not since she was baby. she gets a slight cold here and there but only had the flu once when she was 4, and i believe it was b/c i was exposed and got sick and of course gave it to the rest of the household. LOL my gift to them. i think its personal if you want to or not, me i don't make a big deal b/c she rarely gets sick and we are not sure if the persavatives they still put in the flu shot will give her reaction b/c of the meds she is taking,and its not one i am willing to bet on.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
You can't actually get the flu from a flu shot, because it's an inactivated virus (i.e. dead). However, it doesn't actually kick in for about two weeks after you've had it, so I guess your DH was unlucky.

I get one for myself and my DD every year. I figure whatever I can do to help. She gets sick often enough from the petri dish that is school. Any resistance I can give her to something that is potentially far worse than a cold is welcome.
My kids get the flu shot every year. One of my boys has asthma and it's recommended for him. Two of my kids got the Flu Mist the year that there was a shortage of shots and one of them had mild flu symptoms a few days later. I had the flu at the time, so I don't know if it was from the flu mist or if he caught the flu virus from me and didn't get it as bad because he was protected by the flu mist.

I don't like flu shots because your body doesn't learn to fight the germs on its own. So in the years you don't get the flu shot, you are more likely to get sick.
No flu shots here. I prefer to leave them for the populations for whom the actual flu would be dangerous: the elderly, pregnant women. Unless your profession calls for it (you do voluntary medical work in an area of the world where your daily fitness is a necessity), you do not need the flu shot and are better off allowing your body to fight disease naturally, should it in fact need to do so. I am aware that in trying to totally eliminating all bacteria and germs we are creatig super bugs resistant to all treatment and reducing our resistance to the bugs out there. Let the body strengthen its own resistance.
I didn't give my kids the flu shot this year. Actually my DH and I haven't gotten one this year. My 6 year old is in kindergarten this year and I have a 2 year old. I have been told that they build up resistance after being sick. So I will see how this year holds out. It's a tough decision.

My boys are 9 and 6 and I've never had them get the flu shot. Just something personal, I guess. Fortunately, none of the 3 of us get sick all that often (POUNDING ON WOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!). My Doc had told me that since this is the case, we should be fine. Again, knock on wood, only I have had the flu, and that was over 5 years ago.

Please....KNOCK ON WOOD WITH ME!!!!!!!

We don't do any vaccines. We support the immune system with good nutrition and herbs. We use homeopathics when needed, too. Also be careful, b/c most flu shots still contain Thimerisol (which contains mercury). The ones without it are VERY expensive (like $1000/shot) and not covered by insurance. Just be sure you actually KNOW what's in the shot :) Most of the inserts for the vaccines are available online, so searching and making a truly informed decision is easier. HTH!

Also be careful, b/c most flu shots still contain
>Thimerisol (which contains mercury). The ones without it are
>VERY expensive (like $1000/shot) and not covered by insurance.

ypet thats the stuff that may react with my daughter's med(she is austic,adhd,severe delays). i didn't realize there waas a difference in price/coverage for shots. man oh man. she only had one when she was a baby, never again after that.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
None here! Every few years my family gets hit with the flu, but it's been around forever and isn't going away...Our bodies need to fend off these icky little germs...
MJ in MN
I work in health care. It's really not necessary unless you're in one of the recommended categories such as elderly, those with chronic illness, the elderly and very young (under 2),family of patients with chronic illness and health care professionals. I'm Canadian, our system provides them for free if you fall in those categories only otherwise you have to pay for them. I get my flu shot at the hospital were I work. My son sometimes get them as he has bad asthma (when I can convince him too) The rest of the family doesn't.

You can't get the flu from the flu shot that is a myth. Kim
I have never taken the shot myself nor given it to my daughter. I hope this was the correct thing to do, but really worry about long term issues. Knock on wood but we haven't really been sick in many years. I hate to write that as good OLE MURPHY [as in murphy's law] will surely wack me upside the head with the flu..... seriously, I have only had the flu a couple times and don't feel it is worth the risk to inject stuff into my body. JMHO.
Huh?????... don't immunizations teach your body how to recognize the's your own immune system learning on a dead virus what to expect. So in essence you're "teaching" your body what to expect so you don't get an all out reaction to the live virus if and when you are infected.

The flu shot virus is dead, there is no way you can get the flu from the vaccine. Once you get vaccinated, it takes two weeks to kick in. It is flu season now and that is where your husband got it from.

Your little ones are in need of it. Their immunne system is not up to par and need to be protected. Protect your children and do it. They don't have the perservatives in the shot for children. Mercury is no longer in the flue shot. It started this year, because of Shwartsnager.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
There are a certain number of kids that die every year from complications related to the flu, mostly pneumonia. Most of them are have pre-existing health problems but some do not. I have seen kids in the hospital where I work....well, I'm not going to go on. Enough said. My kids get Flu Mist, which is new, no shot involved. It's more expensive but who cares. They are worth it. I read last winter that a study found that kids who get the flu shot have less respiratory infections overall. I'm all for that.
Get the shot. Kids have died from the flu-why take that chance? My son has this horrible cough now, so the dr. won't give the shot to him until it's gone. This is one of those coughs that hangs on. I can't wait till it's gone so I can get him the flu shot-it will give me piece of mind.
BTW, I got the flu myself years ago and then got pneumonia. Talk about screw up your workout! The lungs take a long time to heal. I was out of commission for weeks. I get a shot every single year, no matter what.

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