Moms 2 Be Check In: June 12, 2005

MSJ I have to say that I'm quite impressed that you have had so many children, given how dramatically your body changes each time. I agree with you that you are probably predisposed to gaining a certain amount of pregnancy weight. I think I'm predisposed to gaining at least 40 pounds if my first and this pregnancy are anything to go by. Were your children large babies? My first was 9lbs, 9oz, so I blame her for the 43lb weight gain :)

Homeschooling that many children? And still managing to fit in all those workouts?? You rock!

hey ladies...

welcome adrienne!!

gracenote..i did not have back problems before becoming pg. the extra weight was pinching a nerve. it has eased up tremendously by taking warm baths and using a heating pad. however it is still nagging.

so while i am not able to keep up with you ladies with cathe workouts i am getting some exercise by being in a new home so we are busy doing (lots) housework/yardwork, in addition to walking.

keep up the good work ladies!!
oh, i also forgot to add, we are currently putting our home gym once ds is here and i am all healed. i will be able to do some serious working out!! wooohoo ;o)
My babies were 8lbs 6oz, 8lbs 7oz, 8lbs 3oz, 9lbs 6oz and 10lbs 7oz!

So they've been much bigger the last 2 times--can't say why. I test negative for gestational diabetes.

I've been so hungry this week, I'm pretty much counting on 40-45 lbs:9 :9 :9 .


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