
I hope so

I never use to modify but as I'm now in my mid 50's, my joints can't take continuous jolting. I hope there are some modifications so everyone can use this program, not just the young super athletic, in shape people. Marching in place when you can't do the high impact moves can get somewhat redundant.
Susan and Leeanng1,
You won't be the only one modifying! I'm sure we'll be able to come up with some appropriate, intense-but-not-boring modifications once we get these workouts (though it would be nice if some modifications were shown. SNM/Cathe never really responded to the numerous queries about it).
THanks Ladies!
AFter having a baby 5 weeks ago I am having some issues with my bladder and even after surgery most likely high impact will be a thing of the past for me! I was sooo looking forward to Shock Cardio and Im hoping I can still enjoy it!

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