I've had MIC for a while now and I have a lot of trouble getting through the hi/low portion of the tape (except for the warm up and the low impact section, which I love and wish that it was longer!). I find that the continuos high impact moves are very hard on my shins. Is there someway to modify some of those moves? I also have a carpeted floor...does this have any effect? I find that I have this problem only with the hi/low; I'm fine with step. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks for your help!
I've had MIC for a while now and I have a lot of trouble getting through the hi/low portion of the tape (except for the warm up and the low impact section, which I love and wish that it was longer!). I find that the continuos high impact moves are very hard on my shins. Is there someway to modify some of those moves? I also have a carpeted floor...does this have any effect? I find that I have this problem only with the hi/low; I'm fine with step. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks for your help!