Modifications for problem knees?


Sorry so late in responding! Just wanted to mention that actually, no, I don't modify a lot of IMPACT in Imax. Since cutting back on step so much, I chose Imax to be the one tape per week that I actually do without modifying much as far as impact goes. I have found, though , that I do modify the MOVES during certain intervals--for instance, instead of doing tuck jumps, which kill my knees when I land, I do something that doesn't hurt, such as power 7's around the world, or another exercise that doesn't bother me. The trick is figuring out which specific moves irritate your knees, or not. Unfortunately, it is harder to gain the strength that I'm sure I would gain if I were to do the same moves as Cathe during each interval, but my heart rate is just as elevated, anyway...
Another thing I wanted to mention that has helped my knee situation is following Cedie's form rather than Cathe's during lunges. Since making my stance narrower (or shorter, or something--basically not putting my rear leg back so far during lunges), I can really feel the work in my hamstring and glute of the forward leg, and don't feel the knee stress I used to feel when I was putting my rear leg back farther, the way Cathe does...
To Lynda and Gettingfit@38: I took your suggestions about the glucosamine chondroitin and started taking it the DAY you posted and here it is a little over a week later and ya know what?? My knees ALREADY feel better!!!! I cannot believe it! I know its suppose to take longer than that and believe me, I was a bit skeptical, but I thought "what the heck, it cant hurt" !I am so psyched, you dont even know!!!! I hope the results continue. My dad has bad knees, he's a big raquetball player, so I was telling him about my success with GC and go to find out that HE has been taking it for about 9 months now and has said before he started taking it, he could hardly walk, thought he was gonna have to give up raquetball, but know feels like a new man!!! So if anyone is hesitating to take it, here living proof that it does work!!!THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!

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