Modification for Step Blast move?


Howdy folks.

I am slowly but surely making my way through Step Blast. Tonight I was able to get through the three combinations, through to the first challenge and got stuck on the first blast. There's that squat move where she turns herself around to the back, and then to the front again.

There's no way I can do this at this point; is there a modification for this that someone can share?

dripping with sweat,


I leave the jump out. I do squats the entire time. I cannot do this move. This move is also in other dvds. I think one is squat, jump turn, rock back. I omit the turn do a squat instead and the the rock back.

That's the perfect modification!

If you want to try it again, you step up onto the side of the step with your inside foot, and then propel yourself to the back, turning INTO the step. Then you step down and rock back with your inside foot. It's one of my favorite moves and it really gets your heart rate up. Keep trying!

When I modify moves, for whatever reason, I often try to break down the separate components of the move, and keep some of them.

This move, for example, contains 3 elements: jumping, turning, and having one foot land on the floor while the other lands on the step.

To modify, you could:
1) keep the jump and the turn, but do the move on the floor (I find this works for me)
2) keep the jump and the one-foot-on-the-step, but keep facing forward. You could add back in some intensity by jumping high, with arms above the head (basically a series of jump squats).
3)(pretty tough to do, and least effective, IMO): keep the turn and the one foot on the step, but remove the jump and 'step' into position.

I sometimes do #1, and sometimes #2, depending on my mood.

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