Modification Advice Please


New Member
Hello Cathe and everyone,

I would like to start by saying how great these workouts are. The energy is so wonderful that it makes working that hard really enjoyable.

I just started reading this board yesterday but I really like that rotations are being offered. And since we are starting a new month this week and the February rotations are being designed I thought I should ask about modifications now.

I have had three children in the last three years and just started really working out again at the new year. Needless to say, I am simply not capable of doing 90 minutes at a time, 500 sit ups, or really any of the workouts in the January rotation.

Could someone please suggest either a more moderate rotation or modifications to Cathe's suggestions that would help me get my body to the point where I can join the rest of the group? Maybe just 60 minutes and half the sit ups?

Thanks so much,
I'm sure as soon as Cathe posts the new rotation someone will help you. I have a feeling this months rotation won't be as intense as January's! And you never have to do her rotations to the letter. Do what you are capapble of!

Welcome aboard! Susan
Hi Megan,
Welcome! What workouts do you have and what are you currently doing? That information may help people respond and help you out with a rotation.
Also, check out the "Index of Rotations" thread. Lots of different rotations are indexed there.

You will need to let folks know what your goals are and what workouts you have if you want some help...

Oh, and welcome! :)


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