Moderate Clean Eating - Feb. 20/06


Good morning everyone!

Yesterday was not so good. As is usual on a weekend. Ugh. Oh well. Monday is a clean slate, right?


B - mixed cerea with banana and soy milk
S - apple and almonds
L - grilled veggie lasagna, orange, lf yogurt
S - Lunabar
D - egg whites with veggies, baked sweet potato

Workout is GS BSB and core. I may do a protein shake after my workout if I feel like it;)
How do all.

B - 2 slices cherry-almond bread toasted, fruit salad
L - tuna/wild rice wrap, carrots, tomato, orange
D - not sure, going to look through last months issue of Cooking Light later on
S - banana w/PB
I may try to give blood this afternoon, which means no WO. If I don't or can't, today's WO is something aerobic (SB?RS?) and chest work.
Robin..that bread sounds awesome! Do you make it yourself or do you buy it that way?

Here is what my plans are today,

B-cream of wheat (again) and some sort of protein
S-protein shake (after my workout)
L-ww english muffin,egg and cup of soup
S-protein bar
D-some sort of meat/potatoe and veggies:)

I have to say, since I have been getting more small meals in, I feel better and I am never hungry!
Thanks Debbie, now I know what dinner is
Lori, it is a bread machine recipe I got from the Bread Lover's Bible.
I'll try to remember to post it. I'm off tomarrow, so it won't be until Wed, if my feeble brain can remember.
I don't have a bread maker, can I make it another way? You know, I should get a breadmaker...or I could just get my mother to move in with me!:)
All of the food in the world couldn't tempt me to live with my mother. Lori, you can make the bread w/o a bread machine.
You ladies are too funny! And, you're making me hungry with all these recipes!

Yesterday was not good so I think I will just erase it from my memory bank. But I must say that is the first REALLY bad day I have had since I started this forum.
So today has been/ will be

B - mixed cereal and low fat milk
S - protein pudding
L - Subway turkey sand.
S - apple & yogurt
D - chicken stir fry (lite on the rice)
If I workout, protein shake after

My backache seems to be better. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. NO running today, but I did walk 2.25 miles and plan to do the same later today as well as part of MM.

Have a great Monday you moderately clean
eating ladies!!

B~Honey Bunches of Oats w/ skim milk
L~don't know...Our PTO is bringing in lunch today...I will skip the dessert!
D~Zatarain's red beans and rice with chicken, peas and carrots
S~PB branola bar (crunchy kind)

Workout was the newest easy step DVD that came out, but I did it on an 8" kind of kicked my butt!!

Have a super Monday! I am better after having no power since THURSDAY!!! The ice storm was not good to us in MI!
Hello Eveyone,
I am new to the forum and was wondering if I can join the thread???
I need some serious accountability in the eating department.

b -coffee
Kashi autumn wheat w/ 1% milk

l - I will be out so I am thinking yogurt and pb and j on whole wheat

D -Turkey sausage, brown rice and stir fried veggies

s- popcorn

Supersets and 40 min walk on tap for a workout!
Happy wonderful Day to us! ;-)

Yesterday was a no computer day for me. I really enjoyed the fire in the fire place during my down time. It was a relaxed eatig day too.l hi the only extras being a small slice of cheese cake at Sunday family dinner and few handfuls of cereal to satisfy a sweet tooth in the evening.

B- (later than usual) Wheatena w/ soy milk, coffee
S- apple or nothing if lunch is early
L- probably veggie chili w/ beans and bulgur, few Newman pretzels
S- pudding with protein powder, coffee
d- baked tilapia, roasted asparagus and mixed greens w/ vinagrette

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Success is acheived by early preparation
Hi, everyone -
The weekend eating was okay... except that PMS "made" me cave in and eat a whole bunch of M&Ms! They sure were good.

Today -
B - ww pancakes w blueberries (I cooked them a bit in a little water to make a kind of syrup, but no sugar added)
S - maybe a leftover pancake with PB
L - hmmm. Don't know. I'm at home today, maybe a grilled cheese. haven't had one of those in a LONG time
D - Something with tofu and broccoli. am feeling the need for both. Maybe I'll do some sort of vegetable medley and bake some cornbread.
S - mixed rasins, dried cranberries and sunflower seeds.
Goodmorning to all you ladies and Welcome Jessica.

I had a set-back last week and ended up sick AGAIN with the fever/coughing/headaches that my kids had. I'm sure them coughing all over me for a week had nothing to do with it. I am feeling better, again, and all kids went to school today so hopefully we will get over this crud and move on. I missed 3 workouts which makes me mad. I was really starting to feel tighter in my tush. Today I'm going to do one of the Turbo Jams I got off Ebay and maybe walk on the treadmill later if I can fit it in. Tomorrow I will jump back into my hardcore rotation depending on how today goes.

B=egg omelet with mushrooms,onions,ham and cheese, hot chocolate.
S=baked beans
L=salad with many veg's.
D=thinking lentil soup but not commited yet.

I did try this new smoothie last week and the kids even liked it so I'll share it incase anyone here might like it too.

Blackberry-Mango Breakfast Shake

1 1/2 Cups frozen blackberries
1 Cup refrigerated Mango slices
1 Cup (about 6 1/2 oz) low-fat tofu (such as Silken soft)
1 Cup Orange Juice
3 TBLs Honey

Combine all ingredients in a blender; process until smooth. Yield 4 servings.

Now, I didn't add the honey and it was plenty sweet. I did add crushed ice because the girls like ice in their smoothies. This is really tasty.

155 calories. 4g protein. 3.7g Fiber. 44mg Calcium. 1mg Iron.

Forgot to add that recipe came from Cooking Light Magazine, Jan/Feb 06.
Hahaha, probably not!:) She stayed here when we went to Montreal and when I came back I couldn't find my workout gear.I called her up and she had it packed away in a box.WTH? She said, it was a mess so I put it away. I keep a laundry basket right by my dryer so when I take my workout clothes out,I just throw it in the basket.Why fold it? It won't be there long.

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