Hi Barbra,
Are you wanting the mix and match option on the Terminator?
If so, on the main screen of your DVD, there is the main menu...Gauntlet, Viper, Imax Extreme
When you click on one of them, a screen will come up that will say to play program or mix match and something else...I'm doing this from memory..
When you click on mix match another screen comes up with pre-mixed workouts. There is a whole other world in there. !!!
If you are wanting to know how to mix match other DVD's and save them to make your own programs, I haven't got there yet. I haven't been able to find the time to do all the premix things yet.
But I know some of the other girls, Jilly, AJ and Francine for example could help you out on that one.
Hope this helped a little.