OK, Susan is trying to solve MA's mystery so she followed MA's hubby to some juvenile psychiatric center, where MA's son (Kyle I think) is being treated. She snuck her daughter in to talk to Kyle. Kyle told her his mother killed herself b/c of something he did to Dana. Then Susan's daughter got caught & booted out of the center. No one knows who Dana was, but at the end of the show they showed a baby blanket w/the name Dana on it.
Brie & her hubby's therapist told Brie that her hubby didn't enjoy their sex life b/c he thought she was always thinking about housework while they were making love. So she showed up in his hotel room wearing sexy lingirie, but she stopped him in the middle of the act b/c his burrito was dripping cheese on the carpet. Needless to say he was upset.
Gabrielle is still fighting w/her mother in law. She found out Juanita had a gambling problem, so she dropped her off at a casino & went to meet her teenager at a motel. By the end of the show Juanita figured out who Gabrielle was having an affair with, so I guess that might come out in the next show.
Lynette got in a fight w/one of the mothers (Maisy) at her twins' new private school b/c they were having a play based on Little Red Riding Hood & Maisy thought if the wolf died at the end it would upset the kids, so she tried to change the ending. Lynette was totally against this. There's a lot more to this story than I'm willing to type, but suffice to say Lynette got the best of Maisy. At the end of the show she called her out for a throwdown & Maisy chickened out.
I don't think the show's on next week, so that gives you two weeks to straighten out your VCR issues. Should be worth it b/c Susan & Mike will be going out on their first official date.