Mish Mosh Question - how to?


I find all the mish mosh postings really interesting and I'd love to try several of them. However, I'm stumped. How do you use the mish moshes without losing your momentum? Do you keep putting in/taking out the required DVD's in order to get the whole workout? or do you tape all the segments together on to a video and do it all at once? I'm worried that I'll lose my edge/momentum and won't complete the mish mosh. Is it the kind of thing that takes practice?
Hi, Gym Mom! If the mish-mosh is comprised of segments all from one disc, then it's a simple matter to use your remote to scoot between chapters. However, if it's comprised of segments from more than one disc then you either have to switch them in and out if you only have a one disc player. I have a Sony 5-disc player that is wonderful for mish-moshing; the discs advance very quickly with this model. I've never done a mish-mosh with a single-disc player, but I imagine if you have all your discs lined up - and you've wiped the sweat off your hands - you should be able to switch them in and out pretty quickly.

I love the mish moshes! however I have a one disc player/vhs player and a few of my Cathe workouts are still vhs. What I do, is have everything lined up and ready to go. My vhs tapes are set to where they need to be and the dvds are easy to skip to where you need to be. The only negitive is, you do lose some momentum(spelling?) when you change the discs. For me, I am going to try to change over my vhs to dvd before I get the 5 disc player.
good luck and enjoy the mish moshes. they are a lot of fun and very challenging!

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