MIS vs. Power Hour


New Member
Hi Cathe,

I'm a Firmie, but I've just ordered MIC, Power Hour and Interval Max. I can't wait to get the new tapes. My question is how is Power Hour different from MIS? Since I'm apple shaped, which tape(s) would be best?


Power Hour is 15 minutes shorter and uses lighter weights. It's more of an endurance tape than MIS and moves very quickly from one body part to another. If you are an apple, I guess I would say MIS, if only because the abs work is longer. Both tapes have some exhausting leg work, 19 minutes in MIS and maybe somewhat less in PH, where it is also broken up into an early squats and plies song and a later lunge song. I don't have Body Pump, but others on the forum consistently compare PH to Body Pump. I like both tapes, and maybe it's just that PH is newer, but for some reason I think PH is more fun. Oh--and I guess in PH Cathe stresses taking momentum out of the moves completely with a divided stance and she seems to be working hard on posture with most moves done with shoulder retraction (even on the bench!) which is, in my view, a stand at attention marine move, shoulders back, chest out, head up. Hope this helps.
I have MIS, Power Hour and Body Pump. MIS is my very favorite. Power Hour is definitely alot more fun than Body Pump.

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