MIS vs. ME vs. MM


I have the DVDs with MIS and ME on them and love these workouts. I'm considering MM, but was wondering if it would be too similar to the other full body strength workouts. Can somebody comment on the differences and/or your preferences? I'd appreciate your help!
Hi Cheryl -
I love MM. It's my favorite total body workout along with ME. Like ME, MM moves along at a good pace and has good variety of exercises. Cathe uses the band in this one for an extra "oomph" which really works! I always feel well-worked out after doing it. The music is good in this one, too. MIS is one of my favorites, but I find that I reach for MM a little more often nowadays when I want I total body strength focus. I find that it is a nice addition to the full body strength workouts and not repetitive or redundant.
MM is my favorite Total Body - I feel very well worked and I love the leg presses she does with the band off the original step heigh - they get in there good and the plie leg work is terrific!

I don't think MM is anything like the other ones - you lift heavier weights and she uses the band really effectively to make sure you feel the good burn by the end of the set.....

ME is my third favorite to PH being my first - I just think PH is fun :)I love the Shoulder work in PH and the time she give you to prepare for the next set -

ME moves at a faster pace than the above dvds and my heart rate always goes up a little higher - I love the bicep work in this one.....

MIS is my least favorite of the bunch but I pull it out now and then.....

MM and MIS are more strength oriented in my opinion and ME and PH are geared more towards muscle endurance.......

The uppder body premix in MM is great!
The PowerHour dvd packs alot of punch for the money. PH is my favorite too...just something about that workout that I really, really love.

Muscle Max is another must have/must do workout.

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