MIS, PH, or ME??


Hi everyone,

I have the above dvd's and I am not sure what to start with. 2 years ago I used to do MIS twice a week but I ended up with a back injury(not from the workout) and have just been getting back up to speed. Cardiovascularly, I am doing great. Been able to do both Imax's and I have been doing Bodymax. I really want to get back to a workout such as MIS, PH or Muscle Endurance. I'm not sure which to start a rotation with first. Any ideas or suggestions? I do expect soreness but I certainly do not want to kill myself. Thank you!
Hi Sarah! All three of the videos that you mentioned are muscular endurance workouts so you can alternate between the three to alleviate boredom if you would like. Obviously, you know to just start slow and light and listen to your body!! Just do your strength workouts twice during the week at first and do cardio your other training days. I too have a bad back injury, and personally, I can't make it through the day if I don't do some sort of exercise. It really helps loosen up my muscles and helps me feel better all day long!! Good luck and take care of yourself!!
Sara :)
P.S. What type of injury do you have, anyway??
I have a herniated disc. It was absolutely awful. My back still feels wierd but much better. How about your back? My whole life I never had a problem and then BOOM...it is messed up forever.

Which of these videos would you think would be kinder at first?
Sarah - I also have a herniated disc with a tear so unfortunately, there is no shock absorption left in the disc between L4 and L5. It really does suck to have a weak link in the chain!!
It is hard to say which workout would be best. Cathe incorporates alot of squatting in her workouts. I was told never to do squats again (whatever!! ;-) ) but I am able to do them now without any problems! I think that PH might be a good choice, though. Just go lighter at first. With ME there are alot of leg presses with a tall box and a BB and that might make you a little uncomfortable. It probably won't take you long to work up to all of them. Just try to pace yourself - and don't get frustrated!!! I know how difficult it can be to take it slow!!! Just let me know if you have any other questions!!
Sara :)
That is too funny! Mine is at L4, L5 and I was told never to do any high impact again. The physical therapist told me I better learn to like swimming. I was so upset that it was possible never to do Cathe again! Well, the PT was wrong, the high impact did not make me worse. Well, I still haven't tried to get back into running.

Anyway, thank you for the advice. I will definitely take it light and slow.

The one good thing about having a back injury is now I pay extra close attention to form during workouts or just picking up a pen.

Good luck and thanks! I'll let you know how many days I can't walk for after PH.
I think the easiest of these on the back is PH. But I would do them all, alternating them, to avoid boredom, as someone else suggested.
Thanks for your response! I actually went ahead and did Muscle Endurance on Sat. I was going to go for PH but after another quick preview of all of them, I was terrified of all the squats in PH. My concern was not so much my back but initial soreness. Well, today, my hamstrings are still extremely sore. I went very light and only used 10 inches for the leg presses. I think I was well prepared for the other leg excercises from Bodymax. Was not used to the deadlifts, but those always get me if I haven’t done them in a while. So, I am now going to stick with ME for 4-6 weeks. Then I am going for PH. I used to do MIS all the time and I am definitely glad to start with something new. Thanks everyone!

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