MIS and legs


Hi, I'm feeling a little disheartened. From reading everyone's posts, it seems that people are doing the whole MIS video 2 or 3 times a week. But, I find that I'm so tired after the leg section, that I've never yet been able to do the entire workout in one session - I have to split it. I want to build muscle so I'm reluctant to reduce the weights in order to get through the whole video. I did S and H for a few weeks (which I really love!) but when I went back to MIS, I still got really exhausted doing legs. I don't think that I'm that unfit, so what's going on? Does anyone else have this problem?

Hi Sharon,

I don't have your problem. But then again, I've been working out consistently for about 12 years now. I just want to assure you that I continue to think that MIS is the hardest leg workout of Cathe's that I own. I can compare it to CTX LL, S&H legs, and the circuits in CTX and Body Max. It is a tough workout!

How long have you been working out? It takes time to build up endurance. Be patient. I am sure you will get there. Lots of body builders keep chest, back, and legs on separate days because each is a big muscle and working them takes a lot of energy.

I don't really think it matters if you don't do the whole workout the whole way through. Just so long as you get both lower and upper in 2 times a week.


Split MIS up. It will still be a muscular endurance tape because of the lighter weight, more reps, & shorter rests. I have more muscular endurance than power but I still like the results I get from split routines. This makes even more sense if you're trying to build muscle.

BTW, I'm sure that there's a point during the MIS leg work that Cathe's seeing my pain & getting a good laugh.

Hi : Ok, now I really feel weak. I have MIS but have never even done it! However, Power Hour gives me problems .
I am always told that I have such muscular legs (tendency to bulk easily), but when i do power hour, I am dying on the "lo-ends." I can't finish the reps and I am not using anywhere near Cathe's weight. I guess the good thing about this is that there is much room for improvement/strenghthening! But . . . my legs are just burning to the point where I cannot do one more rep. Please tell me I'm not the only one out there with this problem!! :) also, how does the leg section in Power Hour compare to LL and MIS?
Hi Sharon:

I've had MIS for a few years and have only done it a few times. On the other hand, I've been pretty consistent with the PS, CTX, Bodymax, etc. tapes. (I only do Bodymax because it also includes a cardio workout, and this way I can kill two birds with one stone).

What I don't care about MIS is that the warm-up is on the step. My legs are already tired before I do the weights. Perhaps you could do the warmup from PS Stronger Legs and Abs?

Truth to tell, I like to do legs only on their own -- like Leaner Legs and SLA. And sometimes I max out at only one day for legwork per week, depending on my schedule. I'm usually too cranky and sore after doing legs to do much of anything else.

So don't feel bad about splitting up MIS -- maybe take a 10-minute break inbetween the sections if you have the time. Go with how you feel that day.

Sharon, I agree with Jeanne. Just give it some time, and you'll build up the strength & endurance to do MIS more than once/week. It took me a few months, but I can do the whole tape 3x/week no problem. It's still very challenging, but I'm so much stronger now than I was two years ago when I first got MIS. Just keep at it!

Power Hour kills me!

Hey Lynne! Well you're not alone. Those low-ends in Power Hour kill me. I always have to stop before Cathe does and I use a lot less weight than her and a lot less weight than what I use with PS and her other strength training tapes. MIS was one of my first Cathe strength tapes and I haven't done it in awhile, but I agree it has a really tough leg section. Now that I think back I remember not being able to walk normally after doing that tape hehe! and the leg section is shorter than PS, S&H and LL so go figure. However I did LL for the first time last week and it took about 3 days for my legs to recover completely. I could finish the tape, but I had to stop for sips of water constantly and when I got to the plié squats my legs were quivering like crazy!!! My heart rate got as high as it used to get with Firm's Standing Legs. Maybe higher.

If I were to rate all the leg segments I would say that in terms of the toughness of the workouts I'd say Power Hour is the toughest, followed by LL, SL&A(floor), MIS, SL&A(standing), S&H:L&S. And in terms of recovery I would say that when I use LL my legs need a lot of time to recover so that would be the hardest one in terms of recovery followed by MIS, SL & A, Power Hour, and S&H:L&S. Well just my opinion. I think everybody is different.

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