Mirena IUD & Migraines?


I am thinking about getting the Minera IUD but I am worried that it may cause an increase in migraines. Does anyone have one and did you notice any adverse side effects like frequent migraines?
Don't run the risk. Once it is in, the doctor will not want to remove it for at least a few months and if you do get an increase in migraines, you will be left to deal with it on your own during this trial period.

Why not go with the Paraguard IUD instead? No hormones, no possibility for the increase in migraines. Same protection against pregnancy.

I have the non-hormonal (paraguard I believe) and I LOVE it. No side effects for me and a nice bonus is that it is a 10 year instead of a 5 year. (I know I am done with kids though)
My body cannot handle the synthetic hormones-I once tried the three month shot and it was a DISASTER so I did not want to chance hormones in an IUD. Of course I had to pay for it myself (600.00) so that factored in too.
I had the Mirena IUD and had to get it taken out after about 3 months due to an increase in migraines unfortunately. The migraine that really scared me was when I had the visual aura and it didn't go completely away for several weeks. I had a visual blind spot that I could point to. It really freaked my doctor and myself out. She ran an MRI on me to make sure I didn't have a brain tumor. When that came back fine, we figured it was the Mirena. She took it out and I was fine after that. I was pretty much done with hormones after that. :( Luckily, hubby was okay with taking care of it on his end ;). We were done having kids at that point. :)
I have had the Mirena twice and have no issues with migraines because of it. I used to have incredible migraines and like others have mentioned, had CAT scans and several other tests. my migraines were linked to diet and caffiene. I am not saying the Mirena won't cause migraines but I do not have them with my current Mirena.
I have never heard of the paragaurd, will have to check that one out too. although I think I am going to get fixed soon anyway.:)
I think my doctor was thinking of Mirena because my cycles have become extremely heavy. Sometimes to the point where I actually get a little dizzy now and then from the blood loss. I attribute this to BC pills so maybe the non hormonal IUD is the way to go. I will have to ask her why she was thinking the Mirena would be a better option. Thanks for the feedback so far everyone!

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