Problems of the digestive system...
I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis when I was seven. A colonoscopy was used to diagnose it, although I wasn't given another one until I was fourteen, possibly because doctors don't like to give too many of those to young patients. I had the third last year, when I was seventeen, and now have those every two years. Anyone who has ever prepped for one knows that the day before isn't fun. I think I had to drink 32 ounces of Miralax in one day. It produced horrific side effects, the most of which was painful bloating that made it impossible to move around. That was the second worst colonscopy I had since I was seven, when the pain was due to the colitis. I think of that incident every time someone mentions Miralax.
That being said, if it helps you to do your business, I don't see why it wouldn't be okay. Seeing as how I wasn't born with a wonderful digestive system, I had to learn quickly how to handle irregularity. Have you tried fiber pills? Those work pretty well to keep me regular. If you tend not to go frequently enough, try more fruits and vegetables. You could also eat more whole grains if you're not already eating enough of them, and try to exclude preservatives from your diet, again, if you're not already. These can be found in the most unlikely places. There may also be one ingredient to which you're sensitive. Carageenan, for example, gives me diarrhea. There's also the various powders (i.e Metamucil) that you can try. There may be an adjustment period, though, so be prepared.
A little bit of irony to this thread: The OP and I have the same first name. Nice to meet another Amanda.