Mindy Mylrea??


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

Has anyone tried Mindy Mylrea's Action Packed Workout, Awesome Intervals, or Body Bar Energy Action. It looked challenging on Collage's mini samples and wanted to buy them. How are they in comparison to Cathe's (Intensity Wise)??

Thanks for your opinions.

Mindy rocks!! I have all of her newer cardio workouts. She's really funny. She's in awesome shape & she's got really fun choerography. Basically my video library consists of: Mindy, Cathe, Janis Saffell & Tae Bo. That's it. Why change? her cardio is similiar in difficulty as Cathe. Her strength training videos are extremely wimpy (sorry Mindy). She does incorporate a medicine ball into her cardio workouts & this works out well. I just don't care for her all-strength training videos.
I hope this helps!
Mindy's workouts are challenging, but not quite as intense as Cathe's from a cardio viewpoint. Her intervals are not as difficult as IMAX and she doesn't have steady, high intensity cardio like Cathe's step tapes. Her cueing isn't as good as Cathe's, but Cathe is by far the best at cueing of any instructor whose tapes I've used.

Mindy's specialty is sports training and her workouts are more like a series of drills. Since I play tennis, I find her workouts help develop my stamina for the "stop and go" and balance aspects of the sport. The body bar tape is my favorite of the three because she also incorporates strength training. For Mindy's tapes, I use a 12 lb body bar and 5 lb weights because they are endurance oriented. Some of her tapes also use resistance bands, medicine balls and stability balls. However, even though I use lighter weights than for Cathe's tapes, I feel equally challenged after the workout. Many of Mindy's body sculpting incorporate balance.

Mindy's tapes are so different from Cathe's that I consider using both a form of cross-training.
fschulman1's input is accurate. I forgot to mention that she is more sport orientated. Her cueing is not as surpurb as Cathe's (but who's is?). She is really fun & motivating though. I'm usually sweating buckets at the end of her videos. I do not have a bodybar, so I did not purchase the bodybar video. The only strength training that I've done of hers is the portion at the end of some of her cardio workouts (I think Action Packed, Sports Cardio) and Strength Express and Medicine Ball training.
Sports Cardio is an older CIA video that's 2 hours long. It'd be a great addition to your video collection if you're looking to purchase a video at a great value.

Have a great day!

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Thank You Both For Your Input,

I am going to buy her 4 of her Cardio Workouts and the Body Bar Workout. I know nobody is as good as Cathe, but I want new videos and I have all of Cathe's so far (even the older ones). If Cathe made 20 more I would buy them all!!!


I really couldn't get into Mindy--annoying, bad production quality, workout didnt' seem well rehearsed, etc. Just warning you that Mindy is not for everyone (she seems hyper to say the least), and you might want to consider starting off with one rather than 4 of her tapes! Try the exchange on VF before you buy!
I was sooo disappointed in Mindy, and just wanted you to have another opinion!
Mindy is fun

I know Mindy's earlier workouts by Sara's City had poor production quality but most of her newer stuff is with Greg from CIA and is quite good.

I really enjoy Mindy. Her intervals are a bit less intense but the sections between intervals are more intense. This is something I actually like as with Cathe I can get really high intensity then go to easy and with Mindy I go intense to recovery which is moderate. I also really enjoy Mindy's presentation. She is so much fun.
Dee (or anyone interested),

I have quite a few of Mindy's on VHS that I'm interested in selling. Email me at [email protected] if you're interested. All are in excellent condition.

:) Stacy

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