Mindi - Body RX Question


Active Member

I have just started Body RX, been doing it for about 6 days. I'm finding that Cycle 1 is a fairly seamless transition for me, eating wise. I know that you have a lot of experience with the Body RX board, which I browsed but did not see an answer to my question. I was wondering, is it possible to compress the cycles? I am basically following it from a nutrition point of view, so could I do Cycle 1-4 for 3 weeks each instead of 6 weeks?

I already do weight training steadily, but want to see if I could get the fat loss through diet alone. But since Cycle 1 is so much like how I already eat, I'm wondering why not move on? I thought you went through something similar a while back.

Any insight would be appreciated.

Rhonda that would be a very good question for the Dr...IMO tho, I would think that compressing the cycles to less than 5wks wouldn't give you the time needed to see the benefits of each eating cycle. Remember, Dr. Connelly states in the book that the nutrition is 70% of the program.

On our BRX board tho, there are a lot more experienced people than me, why don't you stop by and ask them? http://www.msnusers.com/BodyRXVillage. We've got a bunch of newer folks and your question would fit right in. Plus you could leave the question for Dr. Scott if you want.
Hi Rhonda...

I know you addressed this question to Mindi, but I wanted to toss in that I compress the cycles, myself. I don't think it's a good idea if you're a beginner and need to add the muscle, or haven't been eating much in the way of fiber, but I've been eating clean and lifting heavy for the last fifteen years, and I need to "shock" my body on a more frequent basis, or I plateau. It certainly won't hurt to try.

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