Mind If I Join?Started WW monday.


Hello everbody
My name is Amy aka*punka274*.was just introducing myself on this forum.I usually post in the open,but I joined ww monday and so far I love it,besides pulling out my slider and my points book evertime I get hungry. but I'm sure in time,I'll automaticly know the points. I'm just amazed at how much less I was eating,no wonder I wasn't lossing any weight!I've been on a plateua since last summer:(, I hope ww can help me start things up agian! I started doing step/light weight training last year(janurary)and lost 32pds(yeah,me) but suddenly it just stopped!I've got atlest another 40pds to go,and love Cathe's workouts,I just burned up my CC monday with new workouts.I should be getting them tommorrow,and so excited I probably won't be sleeping tonight:7. So I'll be checking in from time to time!

Hi Amy - we have a WW/weightloss thread. Come join us anytime! And it's fine to post on multiple threads. Welcome to the party -


I just checked out your picture trail and wow,you look great!This is why I love this website,there is so much inspiration!thanks for giving me some more!

And thanks for the warm welcome,And thanks Amy(alsrnl)also! And Amy, like your name;-);-)


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