

I bought myself a Polar heart rate monitor for my birthday. Since then 120 days have passed. In those 120 days I have exercised exactly 110 hours (all cathe):7

That's a great feeling.

That's awesome!! Do you like the heart rate monitor? Has it helped you to discern when you're really working within your target heart rate?

Yes it certainly helped to log my progress.

It tells me exactly whether I am in my target heart rate zone. It's been especially helpful with Imax2. After each interval I would write down my heart rate and how I did.

Funny thing is when I would do sumo squats for instance I'd feel fine, not out of breath or anything, giving it my all, but my heart rate would go in the anaerobic zone. So you'd actually expect to be out of breath wouldn't you?

And if you're on a diet, it tells you how many calories you've burned. But I dont think that can be very accurate?

Hey Dutchie,

That sounds like a great idea (tracking each of the intervals). Which Polar monitor did you get?

I have been eying them lately, but have been very tempted by the expensive ones that can download the information to your computer. I haven't heard of anyone with one of these though, and wondered what it was like.

Which model did you get?>

Congrats by the way on the 110 workout hours!
<Which model did you get?>

I got the Polar M51. It has the functions I was looking for:
duration of workout
time in heart rate zone (you can use the preprogrammed ones or program your own)
average heart rate during workout

But it also tells you what % of fat you burned from total calories (not sure how accurate that is). And it adds up all calories from each individual workout and the duration of each individual workout (which I didn't know, actally).

And it performs a "fit test". Which is definitely not as accurate as the one I do in the gym. On average, the Polar is 2 points of.

The ones you talk about are very very expensive (at least here in the Netherlands) and I don't really see any added value for that price). I am really happy with my model.

Thanks a lot for the information - maybe I'll stick with the simpler model - I can always record the information myself if I want to save it.:7

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