Miles a day


Active Member
I am curious how many miles do each of you run a day or week on an average?
I got my treadmill yesterday I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Thanks :7
Right now...30-35 a week. But when I an training for a long race then I jump to 45-50...have fun with your treadmill...[/img]...Carole
I do about 50 miles a week. I injured my knee recently and my sports med doctor told me to cut back, but I haven't even though I know I need to.

Since last week, my weekly mileage is 40K (or 25miles) if my bowels let me :) I run 4/week (4-9-7-20K). I'm still upping my weekly mileage as I'm in training for a 1/2 mary on 10 July. Want to have a solid base before attempting the race. And hopefully bring my time down to 2:15.

I ran 3/week for 14 months and only started incorporating the 4th run this month. Sofar without aggrevating my bad knee.

I am the turtle of the group, lol. I only run 15 miles a week (typically 5 miles / 3 days) I am thinking of increasing to 20 or 25 miles per week though. The fitness results I have achieved from running are phenominal. I have lost close to 10 pounds, have lost significant fat in my legs, hips and booty, and have very nice hamstring and quad definition.

Enjoy your treadmill!!
I love my treadmill and have used it for 8 years now. Powerwalk about 20-25 miles a week (5 days/week). Have kept off 10 pounds and 2 dress sizes over that time with it. Enjoy! (Oh, some tips for treadmill boredom--I run a fan on me, listen to music AND watch tv!)
tried the listening to music and watching tv, still get bored, I even recorded the nyc marathon and see the female leading running and I only can keep up with them for 20 min. then boom I stop, need a way to stick with treadmill, is summer and I dont like to run outdoors in hot weather.
The joy of moving, N
I run every other day 3-4 miles. I run fast and hard to burn a lot of calories. I mix it up from the track treadmill and road. Variation works best for me. :)

I bought my treadmill in January...before that I never ran. This week I ran 48 miles + cooldowns. Usually, anywhere between 30-48 miles. I am on a "fat burning" cycle right now so I am jacking up the cardio.

Also, I get more and more addicted to my treadmill when I see all the added definition in my legs. My lower body has gotten so firm, solid and LEAN from running!

For the record...I do VH1 and music while I run.

You sound like loads of fun when you run. I would love to run and listen to music. My DD swears that I won't be able to as I will cause the CD to skip. What do you use?
I am seriously thinking about getting back into running more. My endurance has slowed down since I don't incorporate much cardio, but more strength training instead. I noticed that when I run, I can't seem to get as far as I did last year when I was just working out my lower body and doing more cardio then. That disappoints me so I don't have a treadmill, but I am thinking of doing more high and low impact aerobics to get the endurance going and then just run out of the door when I am done with the aerobics while my heart rate is still up. I just love it when my face is red and pounding and I can see my arms get red too and feel the sweat just pour off my legs...what a rush!

It's been a while since I've gone for a run outdoors. (When I'm on the treadmill, I don't really pay attention to mileage but focus on time -length of workout - instead). Anyway, when I DO go out, I usually do about 4-6 miles. I think I aim for 6 but if it's been a while or I'm wiped out, I do about 4 or 5.

I also have to have music! I really believe it makes me run faster than when I'm without my MP3 player.

I am doing 40-45 miles a week right now. The weather has been soo great I just can't get enough. I usually do about 30-35 in the winter months.

Have fun with your new treadmill.

Fabulous! What kind of treadmill did you buy? I am on the verge of buying one from Vision Fitness...we'll see. They also carry Precor. What treadmills do the rest of you have? deb:)
I splurged and got a Lifetime Fitness treadmill. Have used it to death and actually burned through a belt that I got replaced for free, since it was all still under warranty.

One point about outdoors vs treadmill: Yes, in some ways treadmill is more boring. I have to work to distract myself with really good music AND an interesting program on the tv at the same time. On the other hand, when I used to run outdoors I also found that I had to distract myself--the scenery wasn't always enough. It was hard to keep a steady pace and to motivate myself to go a longer route. With a treadmill I just do it--probably because I'm used to it. :) Last point was that with a treadmill I never have to worry about personal safety. Love being outdoors in the early morning when it's peaceful on the road and there are no people around--but in the back of my mind I'd always worry about how safe it was for me to be out there. That's a bigger factor for me now that I live in NYC.

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