For anyone interested in learning perfect form this DVD is awesome. I have only previewed maybe half of it. Of special interest was learning how to avoid the kb from banging against the forearm/wrist area. Proper breathing techniques, proper placement of the handle in one's hand, and the importance of the when, how and why on tensing the muscles. The actual setting seems to be a workshop being conducted and thus taped. Mike Mahler's style is casual and it shows even in his clothes. He is wearing a t-shirt and cargo pants, no workout wear here. There is no music and he does make occasional intermittent comments to the men about using sissy weights and other less than flattering comments about women were lifting is concerned. Nothing overtly offensive but I guess it depends on one's sensitivity level. All in all the instruction is very detailed in every phase of the swings, lifts etc. Tremendous benefit to a beginner and even those who have been doing it awhile and need pointers to avoid injuries, improve form and increase strength.