Hello, I am 51 years old, no children, married for 28 years (29 years in September), love to exercise to Cathe's DVDs, have a stable job (boring), good health. With all that I have mentioned about myself why do I feel like life is passing me by? Why do I feel like making a BIG change but don't know what? At times I want to get a divorce, at times I want to get another job, I even thought of joining a fitness competition but deep down inside I really don't want to do any of these things, for one, I love my husband. Is anyone out there going through a similar situation - Midlife Crisis? I am so unmotivated, feel hopeless and like right now I also feel "old", unattractive, very unsexy and just feel like it's not worth being alive at times. Has anybody felt like this and what did they do to fee better about themselves and life in general? Thanks for any suggestions, comments or anything you may have to get me out of this rut of a life (that's how it feels anyway).