Michigan Get Together

Hi Katia7,

If others want to get together, we can do one earlier than May. We just figured it would be warmer at that time, but I am game for an earlier date.

Any one else?

I have exams April 21-24, so I'll be studying on the 19th and 20th., Other then that any day is good for me.
Why don't we try Bennigans in Ann Arbor again since they 'know' Rhonda and I;-)
Somebody pick a date - I'm pretty flexable (except when it comes to yoga).


can I just ask, what kind of restaraunt in Bennigans? Is it a steak house or something? (I ask because I'm vegetarian)
Clare, It's one of those TGI Friday type places with burgers,pasta,salads, etc. I had the veggie burger when I was there.


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