Michele---you caught me!!!!!!!!!!!!!



So I happened to causually mention on the Melters check-in thread that I realized this morning that I may not be as fond of Cardio Coach as I thought I was (and desperately wanted to be....) What was going on in my head? Did I not think about how lots of people read these threads? Am I drunk? Did I get wacked on the head by something? Of COURSE I was gonna get found out!

I really never thought Michele would find out. Of course Shannon did since she's part of the thread, but she said she'd keep my dirty secret. :eek:

I wish I could love CC as much as I love my iTreads. But I don't. I just CAN'T judge my own perceived exertion. I'm a total jackass that way. I MUST have someone give me specific guidelines and numbers.

Don't get me wrong--Coach Sean is still a total hottie and I'm crazy over the Press Play workout. But as I was struggling to get through vol. 7 this morning and eventually gave up I realized that I just don't click with Coach Sean the way I click with Grace. I'm so depressed about it too! I WANT to love CC so much. I really, really do. I love the music, I love how motivational Sean is, but something just doesn't completely click.

I'm sorry, Michele! Don't hate me! I never meant to deceive you....:p:D:eek:;)
I think Michele has a special sort of radar when it comes to Coach Sean. Yeah, Allie, you should have known better. :p

Seandar -- that's how I found out.

It's OKAY Allie! I still love you, even though I think you're slightly misguided.
AGGGGHHHHH, ALLIE - I am shocked beyond believe. You don't like CC????

Better watch out, Michele and I will be coming after you :p

Funny though, I can't workout without my iPod and CardioCoach, and I just can't warm up to Grace, her personality is just not my cup of tea :( The one and only time I did the itread, I ripped the headphones out of my ear after 20 minutes and was about ready to trample on my iPod to shut her up :D

I am with you on the perceived exertion though, I can't go by perceived exertion, that's why I love me my Polar heartrate monitor.

"Seandar"??? OMG Michele that is too funny!!!!! ROTFLMAO!
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Your Seandar????


Cuz, you crack me up!!! But it's very, very effective. :D
Carola, I never had an endorphasm until my HRM died, and now I go strictly by PE. :D

I don't know anything about iTreads or Grace, but I've tried iClimbs and they're just OK. Keith just doesn't rev up my engine like Sean does.
Michele--I am slightly misguided.
I must be missing the CC gene.
Maybe I was born without it.
I want to find MY Cardio Coach spot!!!

But really--Seandar?????

You're a nutcase. But I love ya so much I can barely stand it.
Carola, I never had an endorphasm until my HRM died, and now I go strictly by PE. :D

I don't know anything about iTreads or Grace, but I've tried iClimbs and they're just OK. Keith just doesn't rev up my engine like Sean does.

Michele, I wish I could, if I were to go strictly by PE, I'd probably die from a heartattack and plop on the floor right in the park because I don't realize that I am up too high until I almost start puking :rolleyes::eek: Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Not doing anything without my HRM anymore.

You dont like CC? You stopped CC7 mid-way? I never thought that was possible! ;)

I like iTreads a lot too. I cant imagine not having both in my collection but I am partial to CC.

Have you tried Nick's iTreads? They are perceived exertion too, but he gives you the incline setting. You have to pick the speed. I love Nick's workouts too and am looking forward to the upcoming one.
What is WRONG with me?!?!?!

There's just gotta be something wrong with me. (Well, we all know there are multiple things wrong with me, but let's stick to the topic alright kids? I mean really....) :p

Why don't I like CC? I just can't figure it out. Maybe I need to see some sort of CC therapist. I need to work on my Cardio Coach issues and resolve them so I can become one with them again. Maybe my relationship with Cardio Coach is just going through a rough time. I mean ALL relationships have their ups and downs, right? Or maybe there's some sort of CC pill that I can take that will help me....
I want to find MY Cardio Coach spot!!!
How did you know about the CC spot, hmmmmm? :eek:

You're a nutcase. But I love ya so much I can barely stand it.
And I love you back in FULL measure, you cutie patootie, you!

Michele, I wish I could, if I were to go strictly by PE, I'd probably die from a heartattack and plop on the floor right in the park because I don't realize that I am up too high until I almost start puking
Carola, I've come very close to puking before :eek:. I have gotten a little carried away on occasion, but I'm better now at figuring out my levels. It took awhile, though.
Michele--I have to admit to lurking on the Haters check-in. :eek: That's how I know about your CC spot....:eek:

You and Augie have me ROTFLMAO all day sometimes....
Allie, you should join us in Haterville sometime. We love company and, as you can see, we mostly fool around :rolleyes: . But hey, have you noticed that we've been taking our workouts much more seriously lately? :D

I'm thinking about changing the name of the Haters thread to something like, oh, how about Haters in Transition, since lately we've been loving our workouts. :D
Yeah, I've TOTALLY noticed how you and Augie are kicking-arse on your workouts! I'm so impressed! And your DH is doing CC now!??!?!?!?!

Thanks for the invite into Hatersville! I've seriously contemplated joining you guys in the past couple months since I've been on a weights-only kick. But, then, um, ahem....I found iTreads and Grace.....:eek:
.... and before you know it, it'll become the Lover's thread. I knew it all along.
It's totally headed that way...fo' sho'. Michele--what have you done?!?!?! :p LMAO!!!

Shhhhhhhhhh.....I haven't actually discussed a potential name change with my check-in mates, so mums the word, k!?

See, that's what the Cardio coach will do to ya!

Yeah, my darlin DH discovered Cardio Coach and he loves it! :D
Cuz, do ya wanna bet that they'll discover your plans? Right here, dearie. I'll bet they're lurking even as we type. :eek:
Cuz, do ya wanna bet that they'll discover your plans? Right here, dearie. I'll bet they're lurking even as we type. :eek:

Shoot, that's for sure. If Michele's Seandar caught my defamation of CC on the Melter's thread, her Hatersville pals' Haterdars must be going beserk right now...:p

Michele, you're lucky that August lives in Japan and is probably sleeping right now. If you're lucky this thread will be buried by morning and she'll never know.

Or will she...;):p hehe

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