
I got my hands on MIC and viewed it over the weekend and thought that doesn't look too hard. Well, I tried it last night and boy, I couldn't finish the hi/lo section. I was sucking water every few minutes. It was fun, buy I felt so disappointed because I feel like I didn't get in a good workout. I think the most I did was 15-20 minutes. I think I will pick it up again later this week and see how it goes. But for tonight, I think it will be weights night with Muscle Endurance.

Please keep at it Beth and don't get discouraged! I couldn't make it through the hi/lo either at first. I had to ALWAYS do the hi/lo one day, the step the next. Now, after much practice, I do the whole thing on an 8" step. It is always tough, but I am so proud once I complete this tape. Just keep going - I know you can do it! And have a blast with ME. I love that one!
I totally agree with Jillybean! Keep at it!

I, too, was discouraged at first - splitting up the workout at first can be helpful. Sometimes I do one of the Pure Strength Uppper Body tapes and 1/2 of MIC. They're the perfect length to split up!

One of these days, you will be able to do the whole thing and you'll probably surprise yourself and do it sooner rather than later! Cardio conditioning improves really quickly! Keep us updated with your progress!
Which is harder, the step or the hi-lo? I can now do the hi-lo but haven't even attempted the step portion yet. I find the hi-lo tougher than IMAX!
I have never separated the workout, so I think the step is harder because I am tired and those uneven lunge things where you go back and forth over the step over and over and over... are really tiring. And then you get to do that blast!
I find the Hi-Lo the hardest, but then that's just because I can't really manage any hi-lo that's high impact (while I can do anything on the step for some bizarre reason - no matter how high impact).
At first thought, the hi lo would be my vote, but after I pondered a second, I think the step section is tougher, because I am already pre fatigued from the hard hi/lo, and then you keep going and going!

MIC is tough, but worth doing! I love "don't cry for me argentina" now because it signals the end!!! LOL
I just got the DVD and did MIC last night. I did the low impact section on the floor, but then the medium (?) and high impact, I did entirely on my rebounder. I felt like I got a great workout and I knew there was no way I would be able to take that much impact on the floor. I was pretty wiped and I started to do the step part, made it to those squats, across the step, squat on the other side, and said ok, that's enough fun for one day! I'll save the step part for later. I really admire all y'all who can do this tape!

(BTW, I got my 38" rebounder at Academy for $19.99!)
Yes, that's the part where I start to have to really "focus"! I like how Cathe says "Oooh, myyyy!" when those uneven lunges just go on and on and on. And it never lets up from there. MIC is just relentless. I think it is harder than IMax because it is so long and miserable.

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