MIC vs. IMax


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I've been contemplating the Rhythmic Step/IMax/MIC dvd, but to be honest, I'm frightened of Imax. :) I know they're two different kinds of workouts, but if I can finish all of MIC (I have it on vhs) and still be smiling - sort of - what are my chances with IMax? I'm picturing myself curled up in a ball on the floor crying when my fiance comes home from work. ;-)

Hi Sarah!

You're too funny! I think IMax is a MUST!!! If you can get all the way thru MIC and survive ;-), I think you'll love IMax. The nice thing about the tape is that Cathe shows you a modification for EACH interval, so if at first you can't do the high intensity interval, there is always the modification move. It is a very FUN (did I say that??) tape. Go for it. I KNOW you won't be disappointed. Let us know!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I hereby second DebbieH's emotion, with the added plug that I-Max is also a time-efficient workout, because you achieve ultra-intensity in less time than MIC. You also get a certain amount of leg muscle conditioning from I-Max, even though its focus is cardiovascular / aerobic intensity oriented rather than strength oriented, because of the "plyo" intervals.


You can definitely do Imax if you can do MIC! For me, MIC is actually more difficult because Imax has nice one minute recovery periods after each interval and MIC is pretty much nonstop. I mentally break down Imax and think of it as 10 hard minutes - one minute for each interval and that seems to help!
Go for it Sarah!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-08-02 AT 11:18AM (Est)[/font][p]double posted!
Hi, Sarah! I just did MIC today and IMax on Friday, and take my word for it (along with everyone else's), IMax is the easier tape to get through. I was feeling so cocky on Friday after IMax that I just pulled out MIC this morning (after a month's hiatus)and said GO FOR IT! It blew me away, and I am retiring it for another month, but will happily put IMax in my rotation next week. It's a fun tape for me these days.
Hi, Sarah! I just did MIC today and IMax on Friday, and take my word for it (along with everyone else's), IMax is the easier tape to get through. I was feeling so cocky on Friday after IMax that I just pulled out MIC this morning (after a month's hiatus)and said GO FOR IT! It blew me away, and I am retiring it for another month, but will happily put IMax in my rotation next week. It's a fun tape for me these days.
Interesting... I too have the Rhythmic Step+ DVD, but have yet to do IMax. I always do half of MIC with half of MIS and then do the other halves the next day. But yesterday, I did all of MIC for the first time! Maybe I should just hunker down and try IMax. I told Aquajock back in January that I was ordering it because of her recommendations and then I never even did it! But now after what you said, I am feeling a bit braver. Maybe I should put IMax into my rotation. Thanks for the feedback.
Thank you all for the input! I was actually hoping someone would tell me that I shouldn't get it, but I should've known better. :) It's offically on the list. As soon as I can scrape up the money after moving next week, I'll let you know how it went.

Thanks again!
I say IMax is way harder than MIC! I think I may be in the minority here though! Those plyo-everythings are just killer.
I do Imax on an 8" step, but was foolish enough to do MIC with an 8" step only once. It IS a tougher tape, IMO. I'm doing it this morning. I DO think it's the little "rest" periods in Imax that make it seem easier.

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