MIC - hi/lo and step in 1 day?


I'm new to Cathe videos but have been working out regularly for over a year after having 2 kids. I have Mega Step Blast and The Wedding videos and have mastered these. I tried Maximum Intensity Cardio this morning and nearly died after the hi/lo portion. I pushed myself and managed to struggle through about 1/2 of the step before calling it quits (short on time AND breath). Is this workout designed to do back to back? I thought I was in fairly good shape but this is so intense (hence the name I suppose) that I was wondering if some people do just the hi/lo or just the step for their workout. It appears to me that either one would give you a heck of a good workout.

Hi there, love your screen name. I often do either portion seperately on a day when I'm doing a PS series upper body workout too. It took a good long time for me to get through the entire thing, but boy was I proud when I did! In my humble opinion, this is almost more taxing than Interval Max! Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. Don't worry about trying to complete the whole thing, just think of it as something to work toward accomplishing! Good luck!

Elizabeth Kelly

I also think that MIC is harder than Interval Max. It is one tough workout. I do both portions, but I am whipped by the end - my legs are totally fatigued. Like you said, doing just one section would give you a great cardio workout - especially if you are short on time anyway. Just do what you can and work up from there! Enjoy!!
Hang in there!

I did this one the other day and my husband noticed that I whooped it up a lot at the end - absolute neccesity with this all out intensity tape. Take your time, use a lower step, do the hi/lo at lo intensity and eventually you'll make it. Also, the step combo goes great with the first 30 minutes of BodyMax (do BMax then MIC step). But, most importantly, pace yourself and have fun


Hi there!

Nice to hear from you. Wow, doing 3/4 of MIC for the first time is a major undertaking(as you have now experienced
). I'm in awe of your determination. But as others have shared with you, it is quite common to do half of the tape at a time. You really should work up to this tape gradually. I'm a strong believer of listening to your body and not doing to much too soon. So feel free to enjoy part one or part two as you build up your stamina for the whole thing. Let us know how you make out!

I swallowed my pride and lowered my step to the floor. Then this past week I practiced the step portion of MIC to make sure I had it down. Feeling brave, I decided the try to entire MIC tape this morning and guess what? I did it! I did have to take a break between the hi/lo and the step portion as my heartrate was 27 (I'm 36 years old) so I was definitely working hard. The step portion even seemed easy at times so next time I'm going to try adding a level to my step. The only part that frightens me is the last 5 minutes or so of the step where you jump up with both legs onto your step. I'm afraid if my step is too high I'll trip and hurt myself. Then again, I'm afraid of trying downhill skiing for the same reason so I guess I just have to get some guts and try it:)
My 2 cents, again!

Hi again! Congrats on making it all the way through, it's quite a feeling. Just a suggestion on your next brave attempt: Try raising the step up a level from your previous time, and then when you get to the interval blast section (the jumping with both feet onto the step part), just lower it back down until you feel confident enough to raise the step for the whole thing. We don't want you hurt! Good luck!

Elizabeth Kelly
I MUST do all of MIC this week....

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-00 AT 03:54PM (EST)</font></center>

....it's my new little goal. I previewed it on Saturday, and I have it lined up to do this week. It DOES look like a doozy to complete the whole thing. I did only the HiLo portion back in January while I was waiting for my new step to come. Haven't done it since, but I remember that it whooped me!

I KNOW I'm up to it now!!

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