Meso 3 squat rack legs

I just completed my first week of meso 3. This is the first time Im attempting squat rack legs, the last time I did plyo legs. Everything went pretty well, except static lunges. I have a bad ankle, I wear a brace, and my balance will never be good in that leg. Between the barbell being on my shoulders instead of weights in my hands, and the heaviness of the weight, I was wobbling so much I didnt get a thing accomplished. Is there something else I could do? or is this a sign I should stick to plyo legs?

Also, do you guys do anything during the breaks in these workouts. They seem so long!

I just finished with SR legs! I was a little wobbly with the static lunges at first, but, I seemed to stabilize as I went through the weeks. Not sure why? Maybe if you are too wobbly, you should lighten your weights, then you'll be able to work the correct muscles without being wobbly.

Well, I am usually trying to rush my workouts because I have to rush to bring my daughter to school and go to work, so I fast forward if I feel rested, then I don't have to wait so long through the rest periods. I like the long rests if I do have the time, then I can use heavier weights and the rest period allows proper recovery time.

Good luck with the rest of your SR workouts! 3 more for you. I really like them much better than the plyo legs because my knees hurt!

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