Meso 3 question


New Member
I just completed the first week of Meso 3. In disc 27, I found that by the 4th round of each group of exercises, I couldn't complete the full 8 reps. Is it better to shift to a lighter weight so that I can complete the full 8 reps, or should I stick with the weight I started with and settle for fewer reps?

Also, I have found that my 1RM is rather variable depending on whether I am starting with fresh or fatigued muscles. My 1RM predicted I should be able to go heavier on concentration curls, but I didn't do my 1RM test after doing a series of heavy barbell curls. So, I had to decrease the weight to be able to complete 8 reps. Wondering how best to deal with this - It seems the 1RM is just a guideline and that you have to adjust as you go along to figure out the correct weight for each exercise.
meso 3

In STS meso #3 you should have failure on at least some sets if you have chosen your weights correctly. This is perfectly normal and desired, but feel free to make adjustments in your weights whenever you feel it necessary.

1RM testing does not give you the exact weight you should use, but if you test properly it should be very close to the correct weight. But making adjustments to your weight selection is expected and normal since 1RM testing is not 100% accurate and your strength level will vary on different days.

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