mens upper body workout


Active Member
ok, ok, i never thought i would be asking, but im a guy who loves cathe (have everything) but i want to work on losing the last l0 lbs or so and working on upper body muscles. I know I'll never have a 6 pack so o well. I would like any suggestion to work on upper body rotations as well as aerobics. I see changes in biceps and shoulder, but nothing in my chest. I know you gals like to work legs, but my legs are fine. Guys at work tell me to bench press alot like over 50lbs, but some of cathes routines are too fast to lift that much or more. I guess im asking for help in a real guys upper body workout and fat loss. Thanks everyone. Gene
Hi Gene! It sounds like the Slow & Heavy series is what you are looking for. You WILL be able to use HEAVY weight in these workouts because Cathe uses a slow method very different from her other workouts. My hubby loves this series. Good Luck!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I'm guessing that the Gym Style Training workouts in Hardcore would be more guy-friendly. I'm hoping, anyway, so that my DH may use Cathe as his "personal trainer". (Also as an excuse for me to buy them!)

Until we know more info about GST, I would go heavy with your weights and slow down the pace. Maybe lift as heavy as possible and do as many reps as you can to failure.

Hi Gene,

For building chest muscles I would also recommend the Slow and Heavy series. For weight loss, the rule of thumb is aerobic activity for at least 60 minutes 4 to 6 times per week. Cathe offers many various aerobic w/o's and there's alway running.

Good Luck.


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