Menopause and Fitness

Amy Steppe

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-00 AT 11:37PM (EST)</font></center>

Is anyone out there going thru menopause or in perimenopause? If so how does it affect your workouts and energy level? What about hormone replacement therapy?

I am having a lot of symptoms (hot flashes, irregular periods, etc.) and have an appointment to discuss HRT with my doctor next week. I hate feeling this way and don't feel comfortable discussing this with too many people face to face. So I'll just bare my real name and soul here !
My experience

I am 47. I had a hysterectomy two years ago, so I'm much better now, but before that I really had problems.

My periods were extremely difficult and heavy and I always had to cut back on the intensity of my workouts the week before and a few days after my periods. Because of that, progress was very slow, but exercise did seem to help me cope with it all, so I continued.

I had a big problem with night sweats and insomnia so I started taking some supplemental estrogen before my surgery.

After my surgery I was in instant menopause so I had to take a fairly high dose or I would sweat constantly. Now two years later I have reduced the dose considerably and feel fine.

Estrogen usually causes no problems, it's the progesterone that has the side effects in most women. The hormones do help ease the transition. Use the lowest dose you can, but use as much a you need. Remember that you don't have to take it forever.

Also if one brand doesn't work, try another. One type that I tried gave me extrememly sore breasts, but the kind I now use causes no problems at all.

Good luck
I am wondering if I am going the same

thing, "premenapause". Ever since I went off the pill in Jan. I have been having my periods about every two weeks. This is a real drag and I am thinking of going back on the pill.
Would the pill also help if I "am" in the beginning stages of menapause?

Amy, when you say "hot flashes", do you mean you just get hot for a few minutes? I have always wondered what people meant when they said that.Sometimes I get "hot" and it can last for a few minutes and then I am fine. Even get a little sweaty, gulp, do you suppose that could be "those" hot flashes? They don't happen daily so that is why I didn't know if they were the "hot flashes" or not.

As far as my workouts go, it has been the pits since I went off the pill. I am a lot more tired and I know it has to do with having my periods every two weeks.

Guess it is time to go back to the doctor. sigh

I sure love this fitness forum where we can talk about anything and not be embarrassed about it!
Hot Flashes

What I mean is that I feel a rush of heat that goes all the way to the top of my head. One minute I am burning up and the next I am cold. It's awful -- I had these years ago when I went off the pill. It's pretty miserable and I am tired of having to peel off clothing to be comfortable and then two seconds later having to run a space heater in the summer!

I also have a career where I have to facilitate a lot of meetings and it is soooo embarassing to never know when one of these flashes is going to occur.

Thanks for responding to this embarassing problem of mine. It helps to know I'm not alone. That's why I love this forum. It is well moderated and lets us express health and fitness related issues in a friendly environment.
recent VF discussion

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-00 AT 02:54PM (EST)</font></center>

Amy, the perimenopause & menopause discussion came up on the VF forum recently (w/in 7 days). Along w/ shared experience, there was a discussion of different HRT. Apparently there's a new drug out that has fewer side effects. You might want to check it out before your Dr. appointment. I think there was also some discussion of diet changes (adding plant estrogens especially soy to the diet) to minimize hot flashes.

Thank you for bringing the topic up. Until I read Debra Waterhouse's books, I didn't realize how long the perimenopause stage lasted. It helps to understand the changes our bodies are going through. It may be harder for the health conscious who have been able to steer their bodies down a chosen path & now something else has grabbed the steering wheel.

I just bought two new books

Amy, I have just started to notice subtle changes at 37. Mostly annoying mental issues..still regular but seeing a change.

I just got these last week and leafed through them, they both look good.

Before The Change, Taking charge of your perimenopause by Ann Louise Gittleman

Could It Be...Perimenopause? by Steven R. Goldstein and Laurie Ashner

Both touch on Natural and Medical solutions and they are basically just filled with info on signs and symptoms to let you aren't going crazy. They both cover HRT.

I found them at Amazon


<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-06-00 AT 04:24PM (EST)</font></center>

Hi, I too am in this category with the hot flashes...etc. I have started with progesterone cream with great success. It has helped my flashes,insomnia and my brain has returned. ( I also got rid of caffeine.) There is an interesting book and site that you may want to view before you see your doctor. The book is What your Doctor may not Tell You About Menopause by Dr. John R. Lee. He also has a great web site.

Please don't jump into HRT until you know the pitfalls.
HRT for Perimenopause

I am weighing the HRT thing carefully and right now am leaning toward it. The thing about herbals and some alternatives is that they are not FDA regulated and can be just as dangerous as traditional medications.

I hate, hate, hate having to make such a serious decision about my health. I am at VERY HIGH risk for coronary heart disease and therefore am considering HRT for that reason alone. Although I watch my diet, don't smoke, exercise regularly, my blood chemistry is bad. I have a strong family history of heart disease even in females, so I am scared to death of having a heart attack at 50!

Hi! I usually lurk here, but thought I'd share on this one. I too had started suffering some of the earlier symptoms - night sweats, insomnia, inexplicable weight gain, inability to lose weight, etc. I read the Waterhouse book and changed my diet, mostly by adding legumes daily for phytoestrogen benefits. After several weeks, which I presume was time for it to build up in the system, the nasty symptoms are completely gone. I have noticed I still get greatly fatigued in a hormonally cyclical fashion and need to change my sleep habits and workout schedule accordingly. Following her workout schedule I have also been able to start losing weight again, albeit slowly. One other strange added benefit: since adding legumes to the diet I have pretty much cut out red meat consumption (for some reason have no desire for it anymore!) My blood pressure has dropped 20 points too. I haven't had my cholesterol checked since starting, but presume it is lower also.

You might be surprised what you can accomplish with diet and a new exercise approach - you may be able to avoid HRT. Another good book to read on the subject is Nina Shandler's (I think) Estrogen the Natural Way. Good luck!
HRT, the pill, and herbs

Just thought I'd add my 2 cents as a health care provider who discusses this with women everyday. HRT has many benefits for women in perimenopause or menopause-controls symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia, etc., and much more. Studies have found correlations with lower heart disease risk, improved good cholesterol, helps prevent/treat osteoporosis, and now they're evaluating a link between HRT and Alzheimer's-who knows it may help prevent this horrible dementia! But HRT is not for everyone as people with a high risk of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolus (blood clots in leg or lung), who smoke, or who have a family or personal history of an estrogen responsive cancer should really weigh the positives with the all too real negatives of blood clots, stroke, or cancer. There's a lot of controversy as to whether HRT and the pill result in higher breast cancer rates and the results are difficult to determine as it is likely that the person's breast cancer was discovered only due to annual follow-up while on HRT.
The pill is being used more and more for perimenopause-there are some wonderful low dose pills which take care of symptoms with very few other side effects such as weight gain or blood clots.
As far as herbs-it is true that they aren't monitored by the FDA and should be used with EXTREME care, but soy products are considered to be safe as a phytoestrogen and really do work for some. Other's felt to be relatively safe include black (NOT blue) cohosh, evening primrose, and chasteberry. But these can be very pricey and due to the lack of regulation if you do not use a reputable brand the amount of active ingredient may be negligible!
Sorry to be so extremely long-winded but it's an important topic for women and so often people listen to hearsay rather than a reliable source and base medical decisions on that. It's a very personal decision and definitely not one to be taken lightly.
Good luck!!!

Thanks for all the input. I work in health care too and find that after weighing all the pros and cons that I may try HRT.

The unexplicable weight gain is most upsetting to me. I take synthroid for my hypothryroidism. I get tired of having to starve to stay a size that I could easily fit into with no effort 10 years ago. It's so depressing -- I work out like crazy -- I am not a couch potato, rather I am a whirling dervish of energy. I never dreamed that my metabolism would turn on me this way and it makes ones self esteem hit rock bottom. I don't like it one bit.

I wonder if HRT will cause me to have more weight gain?
weight gain & HRT

Just be picky with the one you're put on, at a recent conference, the speakers recommended prescribing Ortho-Prefest, it's low dose with a low level of weight gain reported in studies...of course, the speaker was sponsored by Ortho McNeil, but I've found that my patients usually do well with Ortho Prefest.
Ortho Prefest

Is this an estrogen progesteron combination?

BTW, are you a physician? I appreciate your advice.

Yep, it's a combo. and Nope, I'm a nurse practitioner, I do much of what a doctor does, but I focus on the simple acute and stable chronic problems and do A LOT of teaching and women's health.
Glad to have provided a little info!
(had a patient today that is drinking some soy drink called SoBe-sp-and is also taking Promensil-she's beginning to have good luck with history of an estrogen responsive breast cancer is standing between her and quicker relief from symptoms...but she's getting there!)
Thanks for the info, Julie

At age 40, perimenopause is a bigger PIMR than those sit-and-stands in PS Strong Legs! (PIMR=Pain in my Rear) I am trying to educate myself as much as possible before my next doctor's visit. I really appreciate your information. I am scared of the onset of menopause itself, especially because my mom started very early and suffered from depression for many years, while she resisted HRT. When she finally started HRT, the depression lifted within a week. It seems like there are so many factors to consider.
Menopause and Moms

My mother had her final period at age 48. My GYN said that women ususally go through menopause at around the same age as their mothers. I don't want to be all the way like my mother because she died early. So it's scary....

My doctor's appointment is tomorrow. Does anyone out there who is still having periods do HRT? I am still having periods, although I skip a month or two and have been for a year now.

I am 43 and have periods but tried low-dose pills as a mini HRT to control acne and to improve sleep and regulate my heavier and more frequent bleeding. I gained a bunch of weight and felt depressed, so after 4 months I quit. A bunch of hair fell out and the acne returned but I lost the weight. Now I use soy, herbals and eat very clean. I use melatonin for sleep, it's wonderful. I live with the pimples, use Retin-A and make-up. My periods are heavier but a Dr. told me to take ibuprofen to diminish bleeding on the heaviest day and it works. Everytime! So, I guess I manage the symptoms as they occur. The hormones did more harm than good. Lots more energy without! And more muscle mass also.
Natural progesterone cream

Have you had any luck using natural progesterone cream? It might be worth a try. I am too afraid of ingesting hormones. The data I have read has not shown any real benefits. Go to Dr. John Lee's site. I think you will find it interesting.
Legumes and Preimenopause

Hello Lisa!

I found what you had to say about Legumes and perimenopause facinateing! I too am perimenopausal and Nina's book ( particularly the begining is hysterical!). Her use of food is just so interesting to me. The recipes at the end, especially those involving Flaxseeds are interesting too. I am curious about the way you use legumes in your diet. If you have interesting ways in which you use them and or recipes I would really appreciate your input on the thread entitled " Bean Banquets.." on the Open Forum. Thanks and hope to hear from you. Deb D

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