Menigitis Question> Prayers Needed too

I pick up my 16 year old daughter from the bus stop. She says her head feels weird. I took her temp as soon as we got home...102.7. She immediately hands me a paper from school regarding a 5 year old child who just died this past week from Menigitis. No, I didn't freak out, my daughter needs to calm down.
Needless to say, I am not having a very good day. I will be o.k. because I am just going to take her into the doctor's first thing in the morning, but one of the other symptoms says a rash with fever which she doesn't have. Anyone know what other signs I should look out for just in case? I am hoping this is just a 24 hour thing.
Please pray for her. Her name is Ashley.
Thanks so much.

Don't know about the signs/symptoms of Meningits, but just wanted to say my thoughts and prayers are with you and Ashley. Hang in there.

First of all - like you said to not panic as yet or you may panic Ashley, but do get her checked out as soon as possible.

The other signs Im aware of (having 3 children of my own and ALWAYS thinking about this also), are:

Purple rash (although not always)
Joint pain
Vomiting or Nausea
Sore eyes or sencetive to light
Neck stiffness

These signs DONT always mean its Meningits, but keep an eye on her and remember to tell your doctor everything she is experiencing

Prayers and hugs to you both and let us know how Ashley is doing


I also do not know anymore of the signes other than what has been posted here.

i did want to say that you should be proud you are not panicing and taking your daughter's feelings into consideration and not letting her see her mom in a panic mode. Hang in there and know that you will both be in my thoughts and prayers......
Hang in there and keep us posted.
I dont think the rash appears at the early stages, so I wouldnt wait for that as a sign, I think it has something to do with the circulation shutting down...

I would watch for the fever--they say with meningitis it isnt really a high fever, stiffness and vomiting....I figure an ounce of prevention is better than not.

Keep a close eye on her ofcourse since there has been meningitis in the school...then if your worried, call the advice nurse tonight if your worried...

Take care...and my thoughts and prayers are with you
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please let us know what you find out tomorrow.

Sending hugs,
as an RN, my advice would be to call her pediatrician, and describe her symptoms AND mention the note from the school about the 5 yr old's death from meningitis. there are 2 types of meningitis... viral- which is usually self limiting..and bacterial, that can be fatal, so i would error on the side of caution, and at least call her MD.

she probably just has a virus...a fever can cause you to have a headache, or make your head feel weird, put i still would call and get an MD's opinion.
Thanks everyone for all your help. Ashley is already feeling better, but I just gave her advil a few hours ago. I also gave her a garlic pill, chewable vitamin C's, Astragalus pill, lots of water and green tea. I threw a bowl of fruit in front of her while she was on the phone with her boyfriend (he never wears a coat..probably getting sick from him) Anyhow, I am going to give her more green tea later. Not much else I can do but expect to get no sleep tonight and monitor her. Will call the docs tomorrow morning just to be safe.
Thanks so much too for your thoughts and prayers...means the world to me. You all are so thoughtful and Ash and I both appreciate.
God Bless.
You sound like a great mom. Good remedies, by the way.

Probably scared her something furious. My prayers are with you.

And do let us know.
Hi Charlotte,

I'm thrilled to know Ashley is feeling better, but I will keep her in my prayers tonight anyway...and you. You poor thing, you're going to be exhausted after tonight.

Please do let us know as we will be anxiously awaiting news.

I'm new here but I'd like to chime in anyway. I do not think she has meningities. The reason why I feel that way is because I had it. I had a bacterial type called Emophallus Influenza. I could not move, had a fever of 104, SEVERE headaches (brain was being crushed by fluids) No doctors could figure out why I was so sick. They all thought I had a bad case of a virus so they sent me home right away. I just got worse and worse. I had a severe infection in my right knee. I lost part of my kneecap and some cartilage. Funny thing is my right knee is in a much better shape than my left knee! :D The worst part of all is I lost hearing in both of my ears. I was a kid when this happened. You don't have to worry about your daughter. She sounds like she has a plain ol' virus. I'd get her checked out anyway. The only way the person can get meningities is to be in contact with something/someone who has had it. She wasn't around the 5 yrs old, was she?

Take care and let us know what happens!
Good Morning everyone! Ashley woke up with the same fever of 102.7. Still no rash, but no other signs either..not even a sore throat. I am just clueless and alittle troubled...perhaps worried. I would love it she had a sore throat just so I know if it not anything more serious.I cannot wait until that doctor's office opens at 8:30!
Thanks though Z for putting my worries to rest abit.
I will let you all know later today what the doctor says...thanks so much for being so concerned and asking. Again, we really appreciate it~
God Bless,

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