
Hi KI....I meant to ask you, have you ever tried rebounding? A guy at work gave me a mini trampoline that one of the college kids threw out. I purchased 3 rebounding tapes for it. You really get a sweat pounding workout from it. One tape is called championship rebounding and it uses kickboxing in the second half. If you never tried to balance, bounce, and kickbox at the same time, its a trip. geno.
Hi Geno
I haven't tried rebounding yet.It sounds fun.I have a friend who takes trampoline lessons and I am contemplating doing that but I am set in my ways and do my workout in the morning @ home before work so I can have evenings free to play.
Ha! Wimp! I beat you! Only joking.............

Yes, I certainly think men would Cathe's weight workout challenging and definitely better for them than what they do on their own.

I think men and women can do all Cathe's tapes (I used to have a male step instructor and he was good), but men have to get over the idea that dancing is for sissies.

I would like to see more men doing step aerobics (would just love to see them try Rhythmic Step :)). Hhhhhmmmmm I think I will put a new post to find out how many has attempted that.

RE: On the other hand...

Of course you do. I tend to think that men would prefer to see women working out too. I mean, if he can't keep up with women he has big problems..............

I like seeing a mixed male/female group in kickboxing and rebounding, and weight training, but not aerobics. I also wouldn't want male exercisers taking the place of "our favorite" Cathe female exercisers.

Actually, seeing women heft weights is more inspiring to me that seeing men do it. I usually also don't watch the men that much during cardio, since many of them are not as coordinated as the women.

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