

I'm one of Cathe's male fans.Would anyone else like to see some more men participating in Cathe's videos? I realize there are two men in CK & CM But I wish there was more men participating in the strength training videos and the step.I appreciate your views.
Hi Ki,

Yes, I'd like to see more men in the videos as well for several reasons.
1- I think my husband would get more "cardio oriented" if he saw men doing the workout as well. He tends to think of it as "womens" cardio when he only sees Cathe and her female crew, but both Cardio Kicks and CM are ones I may be able to get him involved in because he can see men participating as well.

2- During the drills in Cardio Kicks, I've noticed that my punching style is more along the lines of the men than the women, so rather than concentrate on Cathe during punches like upper cuts and hooks, I concentrate more on the men, whose style of punching I seem to have adapted.

And lastly, because Cathe is such an excellent instructor overall, I think adding men to her crew would make more males in general look her direction for workouts.

I agree with what Donna says. My husband has started to do the weight workouts with Cathe as well & I think he would like to see "his own kind" on the videos, not to mean that he is a member of another species..well sometimes I wonder about that.:)


P.S. Let's not forget the aesthetic value of watching the masculine form...I mean the WORKOUT form of course!}>
On one hand I like to see men doing the workouts, like Cardio Kicks. I too emulate their form sometimes. And I notice that when the men are not exactly in line or in step with the others, it's perfectly fine and it lets me relax a little in my own kickbox form.

But some step moves are frankly feminine and I like to be feminine too. And I don't think that watching men do mambo chachas on the step will inspire my DH one bit.

So I would love to see and do workouts that have no femininity to them, with men in them. But I also love all-women's workouts, with lines like "Imagine you're shaving your legs with the barbell" and other femin-isms. :D
Uh-oh, I am starting to worry that I may have offended someone. Maybe this isn't the sort of thing one should admit. I apologize if anyone found this to be crass, a step backwards for woman kind, sexist, etc. Jeanne
I sure hope not, since I could have offended as well. I hope that the guys appreciate our attention to the results of their obvious hard work at making their physiques healthy, toned and muscular. I certainly appreciate it when my husband mentions the improvement in muscle tone of my arms, legs or other areas that shall remain nameless. On the other hand, I think we all realize that we are all more than the sum of our bodyparts!!!

I have thought about this subject before. Although I love all of Cathe's crew, and enjoy seeing different healthy feminine body types, I would like to see some men included in Cathe's strength workouts. I guess my biggest reason for feeling this way is that Cathe's workouts are so great, for men and women, I think that she would have a broader audience if more of her workouts included men. Ultimately, I think the bigger Cathe's audience, the more everyone will benefit. JMHO!
I am a guy that has followed Cathe's videos for a few years. I enjoy the danceyer steps and her kickboxing is a hell of a lot more fun than Tae-Bo. I like things cheorgraphed. I just feel bad that I cant always lift the same amount of weight that she does or have to do modified pushups! Yes, i think more co-ed workouts are needed.
I can relate.In Bodymax I have difficulty with the last few pushups.I sometimes do two less than Cathe however I lift heavier in all her videos not by much though especially shoulders.Cathe is one fit person.
RE: You Betcha!

I'm all for seeing more men in anything I do. Just kidding. I think the fact that those guys in CM and CK look that strong and can keep up with Cathe cardiovascularly is very motivating. Bring on the men! (In video format only, of course).
RE: On the other hand...

Side note, during the scoops of CK and the monkey arms of CM, I can't watch the guys though. For some reason, I just can't. I think this relates to Connie's post. Maybe these moves are more 'girly.' Hope I didn't open a can of worms. If so, someone can open a can of whoopass and let me have it. Trevor...are you out there?
Hey Kisuzu......What are your favorite videos to work out to? I have them all. I am trying to alternate one day wights, one day aerobics with an emphise on weight training. I prefer to do aerobics tho. I really enjoy cariokicks and the cross train kickboxing tapes. My favorite step aerobics are step works and step jam. geno.
RE: On the other hand...

Oh you think you're gonna get some whoopass and then you think of me!! Thanks alot there jilly!! lol! :)
I gotta admit some arm movements, especially while stepping, do feel a little silly at times......maybe "sissy" is a better term. But I just do 'em because I know I will continue to get a better workout doing everything the right way, following Cathe or my instructors at the club. I am really past the point in my life where I care so much about what people think anyway! :)
While I am here....let me be selfish and say I dont wanna see ANY men! More women please! In fact Cathe, get as many ladies as you can fit on the camera at once!! lol! Watching women workout motivates me more than watching guys. I dont really know why other than I enjoy the eye-candy..period!
Trevor :) :-jumpy
Jillybean - LOL! I know just what you mean about those "girly" moves. Sometimes that's just the way it is. I can't help it, I love watching the guys do the punching drills at the end of CK, but if I were to watch them scoop, mambo, cha-cha... I would just giggle. :)
The answer is YES!!!!! My husband has worked out with Cathe for more than two years now...Can't tell you how great he looks. He has added more mass AND has totally corrected some weak knee problems with the PS Legs workout. He is back to running more than 15 mi. a week thanks to that workout! My husband would love to see a more athletic approach taken with the tapes. I know that Cathe can afford to do this, we woman aren't going anywhere. Adding more men to the mix would seem like the obvious thing to do. Boy, wouldn't this set Cathe apart even more? I'm with you Ki. Hope Cathe will read this thread. dmd
I bought some of the first FIRM videos on the market back in the late 80's ( they were $50 a piece then!) and there were men in them...does anyone remember these tapes? Anyway, those tapes were the first workout/weight tapes my husband did back then. I remember that he would comment on the "feminine" look of a couple of those guys. But, hell he did them anyway.

Gin Millers Intense Moves is the ONLY tape ( other than Cathe's) that intergrated men well, with dignity and with ATHLETIC moves. Love that tape for that very reason. Wish Cathe would consider doing her BOOT Camp or IMAX 2 with men and more athletic and less dancey moves--more plyo/propulsive moves OFF the box rather than "step" in general.

Glad to see you guys chimming in. Good to hear from you. FYI, my husband will visit and read, but not chime in. I think guys have alot to say about what they want in workouts. dmd
Hi geno,
My favourite tape @ the moment is Circuit Max.Ilove the variety.I use it primarily for cardio.It's great having a little bit of everything.I also love Pure Strength & Slow Heavy.I do 6- 8 week rotations even when I do S&H.I am slowly going through the cardio catalogue-not in any order.I find step difficult but with Cathe's flawless cueing I get it.I got Power Max the second time around.I am waiting to do Rythmic Step& Step Works until I can do all the other step tapes first.Nice hearing from you.I am waiting for the classic dvd so I will give step jam a try.
I would also love to see more "men" in videos....:9 BUT!!!!!

I cannot emphasize enough how important the attire they wear!!

A couple of times I had the misfortune that DH walked in on a Greg Twombly or CIA workout, where the men were wearing tights or bike shorts.... NOT COOL!!

I recommend regular shorts. or pants that are not tight for a video!

I would also love to see more "men" in videos....:9 BUT!!!!!

I cannot emphasize enough how important the attire they wear!!

A couple of times I had the misfortune that DH walked in on a Greg Twombly or CIA workout, where the men were wearing tights or bike shorts.... NOT COOL!!

I recommend regular shorts. or pants that are not tight for a video!


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