^*^* MELTING on Wednesday *^*^

Mmmmm, I love that rained-on-sidewalk smell too, Tneah. And the smell just before it rains in the spring. About the birds - well, it is that time of year!

OK! Now I'm headed for couchville. PS, my knee feels better. I'm glad I skipped the workout today.
Hello Melters.

Just a quick note, I did Body Fusion tonight. It's hard getting back into after 10 days off. Felt good, really good.

It's raining here and getting colder. House project to finish up on Saturday and road trip on Sunday, not to see Mom.

Kara-Yes, Grand Rapids gets lots of snow. Shelley problably got more that I did. Lansing is one hour east of me. Go State!!

Have a Great Night!!
Hey everyone! I just have a second, but thought I would pop in. Thank you so much for your support. Just to clarify though…my B.S. is in Liberal Studies with a Health emphasis. I was a nursing major up until last year. I have taken enough business and accounting courses that I could enter a masters in accountancy with a summer “refresher” course. I also have been taking advanced nutrition courses, so may pursue that route as well. Anyway, enough about me!

Leanne—Instead of walking on Saturday I will be watching DS play in a soccer playoff game (much more important!). You are brave! One of my BILs (I have FIVE) is coming here for a week or two this summer and the thought is giving me mild panic attacks. I really need to loosen up LOL! So the shake wasn’t too spinachy? Was it brown? I need to add more greens to my diet and this *might* be a way! Were the Saturday meetings shot down (I hope)?

Robin—How cool about meeting that musician. I haven’t heard of him, but my DH’s cousin wrote and produced a musical based upon June Carter Cash’s life. It was really good. I will have to ask her about Tom Mason. How fun that you were able to see him perform! I hope your knee feels better tomorrow.

Lainie—OK, your boys are absolutely adorable. Many of my classmates and neighbors have or are in Christian music bands. It is very popular here. I am still clueless about it though LOL! Yea, accounting isn’t extremely exciting, but it is needed in our society and I need to help put kids through college and save for retirement! Your DH sounds like he made a good choice!

Tneah—your positive outlook is awesome. I think moderation is just difficult. Your lunch sounds lovely. Well, minus the shrimp! You are not “off”, just being YOU! I think it is great!

Shelley—Yea, I can be full of BS too (just ask my DH)! Glad your seminar was interesting. Went back to the cinnamon gum today and it messed with my ability to taste my dark chocolate which did not make me happy. Life can be so trying! HA!

Well guys, I must pay some attention to DH. Have a great night!

Hi Jennifer! We posted at the same time. I don't miss the snow, but shoveling is great exercise! :p Have a good night!

Hey everyone,

Well, the good news is that there will be no Saturday meetings in my future! Hoo-RAY!

So on my way into work today, my car just happened to take a slight detour to AT Loft, and two pairs of those cute cargo pants I linked to the other day just happened to find their way into a shopping bag. }( Of course, it's so dang cold and rainy here right now that I probably won't get a chance to wear them for a few more weeks. But I did pick up my new jeans at the tailor so I'll wear them tomorrow with a sweater.

Deb -- "Hi" in case you check in tonight! Hope you had a nice trip and that the puppy made it back safe and sound with you!

Tneah -- Glad you enjoyed that lunch today! Must be that time of the year for the birdies and duckies! I love hearing about your quirky thoughts -- they're fabulous! I hope you're feeling OK about putting on a little body fat; you look absolutely gorgeous and fantastic, and it's fun to not totally deny yourself, right?;-)

Lainie -- Oh, Isaac looks so adorable! What a cutie pie!

Shelley -- Glad that the seminar today was good! What was it about?

Jennifer -- Don't overdo it on that ankle, OK? Don't push yourself more than you should!

Kara -- How great that you have so many options as to what you can do with your degree. I'm actually not brave at all about having our BIL move in with us; our Melters group has heard my panic attacks about it already! The only slightly positive thing is that the in-laws were also going to be staying with us -- MIL asked DH again last week if they could stay with us for a "few days" (yeah, right!) until they find an apartment, and he kindly suggested that they stay with FIL's mom instead. I'm *really* stressed about the whole thing. Who knows -- maybe I won't come back after the RT in August?!;-) Hopefully it won't come to that! Is Colin feeling stressed about his AP exam on Friday? I'm sure he'll be great!

Robin -- So sorry your knee is acting up. Sounds like the day off from working out is just what you need!

So glad those cargo's found a nice home in your shopping bag. ;) Whoo-hoo! New pants, love it! Isn't sooo cold and icky? I have summer stuff on the boat, with only a few warmer pieces, so its been interesting.:) Think I will make a trip to the fashion mall place tomorrow and and see if the Nordstrom or Neiman Marcus carries any of those DVF dresses.
So you did get those jeans tailored? Very nice, I hope they fit you now little miss zero.:7
I am not freaking out too bad about the bodyfat, in fact I am enjoying a glass of wine with the boys right now, looking out the back of the boat at all the pretty lights. It is a little piece of heaven I tell ya.

Ok, night, night everyone..nice to see you Kara...Robin, we have the same "smell" tastes!

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