**MELTERS! It's Wednesday Get Workin'! **

Hi Emily.:) Good to see you girl.

Okay, I feel like making a bunch of chocolate chip cookie dough and either eating straight from the bowl, or baking up batches and eating them all...so there.:* Oh, I am feeling wicked today. }(
EMILY!!!! Where have you been hiding all this time? Of COURSE we miss you! Congrats on the melted inches. I know how you feel though - my tape measure told me that a few weeks ago and I haven't found the nerve to check if they're still gone. You be careful with that running. I do NOT want you debilitated again. CC is wonderful... but not so wonderful to risk going through that again.
>Okay, I feel like making a bunch of chocolate chip cookie
>dough and either eating straight from the bowl, or baking up
>batches and eating them all...so there.:* Oh, I am feeling
>wicked today. }(

I don't see anything wicked about that. :9 :9 :9 Quite the contrary - it sounds very heavenly to me!
Hey ladies,

I only have time to stop by and say hi, but wanted to say HELLO, EMILY!! It's so nice to see you! We've missed you!

Gotta run, but I'll BBL -- my new car has had one of the engine lights on, so have to take it to VW to get it looked at. And to think that I bought the dang thing since my old car was acting up . . . .

P.S. Can I join you in eating that chocolate chip cookie dough?! Yummy!}(
Hello Melters.

It actually feels like spring here. It might last a day or so before winter comes back again.

Yes, my cats leave me "love" gifts. They used to be alive and well and given to me while I was watching TV on my bed, the next one wasn't alive. This one was real. They quit actually giving them to me when they seen me throw one (dead) outside to the crows.

Going to enjoy the sunshine, not workout tonight and eat some spaghetti.

Good evening melters. It looks like it's been a busy thread today. This morning I took a rest day. DH is working this weekend so, I plan on working out both Sat and Sun this week. I really love it when I can work out, take my post-workout shower, then relax with a cup of coffee! Weekend workouts are the best.

Deb: You'll have to write a book on the 'Piggy Pie Diet' (love that name!). I'd buy it. Great job on the 1/2 pound!

Shelley: In 2005 I asked Cathe to sign Terminator. In 2007 she signed GS Chest and Triceps. If you were to choose another DVD for her to sign, which would it be? For me, I think it would be Butts and Guts.

Jennifer: LOL about mouse parts. I guess I'd rather have them leaving you mouse parts than what hey left you on the dining room table the other day. Ew!

Shannon: I agree with you over the trying too hard and weight loss. The more vigilant I get with weight loss, the harder it is to lose. With all my work stress lately, I've stayed off the scale as I didn't want to create more stress LOL. I'm betting though that I've either stayed the same or lost a little more. I just gotta be brave and step on that dreaded scale soon to find out. I have a dumb question for you, is that what a farrier does, trim hooves? Or do they do other things too?

Leanne: Congrats on the nomination. Just being publicly recognized for doing a good job is cool enough, but what do they do for the winner? For me, work is getting more sane. I've been getting out of work at a reasonable hour this week. Yay me! I'm hoping to use my comp day for the day I leave for a business trip in May. It's a real hardship case, I tell 'ya. I'm going to Disney World for business. Disney uses the same somewhat obscure programing language that I work with so they host a 'geek' conference there every so often. I'm extending my stay thru a weekend so I can play at the parks.

Robin: Oh, we can commiserate. After enjoying a few months without the hot flashes, I think mine are starting to come back. It's exactly the same with me, I wake up in the night then I have the flash. I don't know what I hate more, the sleepless nights or the flashes. Also, glad to hear you don't have MRSA! Knock wood, DH hasn't had a relapse since Sept. We had a scare about a month ago but it ended up being nothing.

Tneah: It feels funny to say, 'so glad to hear about Aunt Flo', but I'm glad it's making you happy!

Well, it's getting late so a big hello to those I missed!

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