Mega Step Blast Just Kicked My Butt!!!


Oh Boy what a step workout this was.
I did this for the first time thurs night and I did it on the 4 inch step because I wanted to learn the tape.
I had no problem following her cues Cathe is absolutely awesome as an instructor. Now I did this again today and I thought I would be brave and do it on the 6 inch step,well I made it all the way through until I got to the bun blaster after the riccohets and It completely wiped me out! so I went back down to the 4 inch and I felt so much better. I did the tape which I'm proud of but I have along way to go and more Cathe tapes to conquer.
My question is, I'm in my forties and I'm not in the worst shape but I feel it's time to get healthy and stay that way.
Now do any of you ever feel completely wiped out during the workout and you have to modify to make it through.
Of course we do! And I do too. But there is a definite difference between getting tired today and the way I did a year ago.

There has to be a reward that makes it worth continuing for years! Log your level now so you will be able to appreciate the difference over time.

That'll help motivate you when you forget how much progress you have made.
Hi Angie:

The first time I did MIC I had to take a nap! And then I went to bed at 9:00 that night and slept until 6:30 the next morning.
Was it worth it? You bet!

Re: 4" vs 6" step, use the 4" until you aren't so wiped out after your workout. Work up slowly. Keep your knees in mind, they can get cranky if you use too high a step (for you).

Connie gave you great advice to log your progress. You'll be amazed at your improvement after 6 months.

PS I still think that MIC is really challenging, but I don't need a nap anymore! LOL!
I have been doing Cathe Step tapes for almost a year, always on a 4 inch step and what FINALLY helped me push through to use a 6 inch step last month, was a month where I would do a Slow and Heavy workout first and THEN do a cardio tape (modified to 45 minutes) right after - only 3 days a week, the other days are light workouts for me. After I went off the S&H rotation and went back to cardio first then an endurance weight workout after, I kept feeling like I could be working harder. So I hiked the step up a notch and actually made it through! What is weird though is whenever I do a 6 inch workout now my feet hurt after...hmmmm...

Anyway it took me a while but I finally made it.

Good luck!
I love Mega Step Blast!!! Done it twice this week alredy myself. Sometimes I set up a six inch and a four inch step bench and switch toward the end.

AND,yeah Cathe's older step videos still kick my butt some days bigtime! Don't think these are easy tapes just because they are a few years older ;-). Cathe had those springs in her feet back then too.


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