Medium tubing too easy!


I just received the medium tubing today and tested it out in a door. It seemed way too easy to do much strength building. I don't have a chin up bar, and had been doubling my band over and doing lat pull-downs for the chin-up/pull-up segments. I bought the tubing hoping to work more accurately the muscle group targeted, but was very disappointed. Would the heavy tubing make much of a difference? I thought of exchanging, but the cost of shipping back and then paying shipping again for a new one didn't seem worth it. Has anyone compared using the heavy tubing in a door versus just doubling a band over and doing lat pull-downs?
I'm using 2 tubings at a time, but since the handles are both padded I'm holding them on the strap part that attaches the handle. I may have to go to 3 tubings as I progress through STS. At some point I hope to get Cathe's tower because she said it will price under $100.
Lifeline offers heavier resistance tubing (as does Beachbody).
You really do need the heaviest resistances if you want to challenge the back, especially during the strength-building cycle.
I just received the medium tubing today and tested it out in a door. It seemed way too easy to do much strength building. I don't have a chin up bar, and had been doubling my band over and doing lat pull-downs for the chin-up/pull-up segments. I bought the tubing hoping to work more accurately the muscle group targeted, but was very disappointed. Would the heavy tubing make much of a difference? I thought of exchanging, but the cost of shipping back and then paying shipping again for a new one didn't seem worth it. Has anyone compared using the heavy tubing in a door versus just doubling a band over and doing lat pull-downs?

Sure, there is a pretty big difference. We recommend the red Heavy tension Tube we sell for most people doing pull downs. However, it will depend on your strength.

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