Medgem/calories/weight loss


Hi everyone,

Okay, I need help ... x(

I've been trying to lose that last 15 lbs. I've been faithfully exercising for several months now with little success, so I know the problem has to be my eating. I'm getting pretty frustrated and inpatient now. I eat every 3-4 hrs, drink lots of water most days, eat pretty healthy, but I don't count calories.

I lost about 30 lbs. a few years back when I did Weight Watchers for about a year, journaled faithfully, but then finally got tired of writing down every morsel and constantly thinking about food. However, since then I haven't really lost any weight. So now I'm wondering whether I need to just MAKE myself start counting calories again, if that's the only way I'll lose weight.

I have also seen the ads for Medgem, to measure your metabolism so you know exactly how many calories to eat. It sounds interesting, but I'm wondering if anyone has heard of people who have had real success after taking the test? It's quite expensive and you have to keep re-taking it as your calorie needs change as you lose weight.

I just want to do whatever will work now. I'm tired of this extra weight and want to be DONE with it. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi, I'm sorry I don't know anything about Medgem but I do have some thoughts.

For a lot of people (like me), counting calories is really the only way I feel I can control my eating.


There is a growing movement of people who join programs that are designed to get you back in touch with your internal body cues. These programs are usually (I think) designed around learning how to eat the appropriate portion control, and listening to true hunger/full cues.

The theory, from one book I've read, is that dieting and counting calories encourages an unhealthy preoccupation with food. Now I already HAD an unhealthy preoccuption with food, and that's not going to end anytime soon. However, it sounds like you are aware that you do NOT want to develop this sort of fixation, and perhaps this type of program is the way to do it.

Anyone on this board following a program like this one? If so maybe you could add some valuable things.

Jen - if you're interested in more info on this type of program, and no one else replies, let me know and I can find a few resources for you.

Good luck with your weight loss goals,
I constantly thik I have to be on a "food program" to lose weight. I did WW's for about 3 months and I did lose 6 lbs, not always eating the greatest. I have struggled the last 2 weeks trying to find something I can live with. I love WW's, but trying to go out to eat, you need to starve for 3 days in order to do it. I am an active person, and saving those points is hard for me. I end up getting discouraged, and I binge. So, I am going to try my hardest to just eat clean. Take some pressure off of myself, and eat healthy. Maybe I can develope a healthy mindset to food. When you are dieting, I think you always think of food, and it makes things worse. We will see how it goes, I started Monday. Best of luck to you. Maybe we could start a healthy eating club or something??
Lori S.

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