<--mean girls, best friends forever...


<--would like to thank atlant anative jennifer nettles and her band, sugarland, for today's lyrics :)
<--fell asleep at 9 pm and just woke up
<--may actually do some sort of w/o this morning
<--needs to do ub
<--hasn't been on the forums in two days
<--needs to go peruse MGSTF...*insert devil smiley here*
<---waves to the OAL peeps
<---had to stop by and say hello
<---thinks today's lyrics are perfect
<---hopes y'all have a good day
<---is off to workout
<--agrees with tamster re: today's lyrics
<--really, just happens to like sugarland (really)
<--is addicted to MGSTF
<--is depressed because expects all forums to be blocked at work
<--wonders if they really expect <--to WORK?
<--knows ame has many chores for <--to do for ADBC
<--REALLY needs to get started so ame doesn't yell at <--! :(:(:(
<--is going to go do something (maybe ub)
<--Waves good morning to Lorie,Tammy and all who follow
<--needs to start going to bed earlier:confused:
<--wonders if anybody watched the gymnastics last night?
<--felt bad for the USA team
<--thought the china team looked VERY young compared to the usa team
<--knows there is a controversy on thier age!
<--will be doing a workout today(<--repeats in her head)
<--is sorry Lorie's unable to get on cathenation at work
<--waves hello to Tammy
<--wonders what everybody is up too today?
<--- waves good morning to all
<--- is happy that it's hump day
<--- thinks it's scandalous that the forums are blocked at Lorie's work
<--- is happy to see Tammy!
<--- wonders how Amelia's DD is doing back at school?
<--- is off to peruse the forums!
<--waves good morning
<--loves the lyrics
<--asks Amelia how it went yesterday????
<--would love to go back to bed
<-- asks forgiveness for barging into the thread today
<-- wanted to say how much fun I had hanging with Catherine, Amber, Lorie, Tammy, AmyG, Phyllis, Melissa and Beavs
<-- had a blast with yas!
<-- is glad you all had a fantastic time!
<-- will let you all return to your regularly scheduled thread:D
<---waves GM to you cool chicks ;)
<---had a blast hanging out with Wendi too!!!
<---is glad she was able to come to the Friday class and hang with us at RT
<---is snickering at the lyrics
<---thinks it is a travesty that the forums are blocked at Lorie's work!!! :(
<---has not watched any Olympic coverage
<---says she pooped out last night after cleaning the vermin in the garage
<---has moved the piggy baths to tonight
<---says they are all matted and it is going to be a nightmare...
<---would also love to go back to bed!
<---is off to peruse the forums
<--waves to the ladies this am
<--has not worked out yet this week :eek:
<--has just been focused on work and other things
<--works from home in the a.m. and then is off to a librarians meeting and free lunch with chocolate chip cookies (whoo-hoo!)
<--is glad to see Ms, GWD here and welcomes her to "interrupt" any time
<--is glad to see Tamster here and is really wondering what kind of vermin Liann was cleaning up after
<--tells Amelia to get her arse to bed earlier
<--feels due for a relaxing vacation but has to save vacation time for SO's surgery....whenever that may be
<---waves Happy Hump Day to all!
<---is LOL at today's lyrics ;)
<---did a rather intense workout consisting of 4DS back, chest, legs and core
<---is wiped!
<---feels so bad for Lorie being blocked at work
<---wonders how long it will be 'til <--- gets blocked too
<---asks "Did someone say chocolate chip cookies?"
<---is coming to visit Beavs today ;)
<---is off to browse Catheland... ciao, bellas!
<--Heard the word chocolate chip cookies and bounds into thread :p
<--Hopes every one is having a happy humpday!
<--Is :eek: over Evily's workout.
<--Dreams about working out again!!
<--Waves at all of the new faces!
<--Waddles back out of thread. :)
<--sticks fingers in her hears and yells lalalalalalalala
<--lalalal....doesn't here chocolate chip cookies....lalalalal
<--finished WO <--did a 30min PW and GS BSB!
<--needs to increase weights but was lazy this morning:cool:
<--thinks her workout should take care of that sudden urge to eat PB and choclate sryup last night....
<--high fives Emily on her great workout!:eek:
<--hopes Stephanie is able to get in a workout soon
<--hopes Beavs has a good time at her meeting and free lunch
<--wonders how many piggies Liann have?
<--wonders what workout Catherine did?
<--tells her that <--'s interview went well,<--also noticed that the posting for the position online is now no longer accepting applications...<--wonders if they found somebody that they liked?(fingers crossed)
<--waves to Shelly and says DD is doing great at first grade
<--adds that she really likes riding the school bus
<--Hopes Shelly's DD is having a blast at school ...
<--must go do something constructive like laundry,dishes....read a book!
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<---waves GM to all
<---hopes Beavs enjoys her cc cookies
<---having trouble getting motivated to workout<---thinks she needs a rest week
<---thinks Wendi is a super-cool chic:cool:<---is glad she had a chance to meet her
<---thinks Evily rocked her workout this morning and is making <---rethink her rest week;)
<---thinks Liann must love those snakes<---thinks cleaning up vermin can't be fun!
<---LOVES referring to self in third person!!!
<---decides to share an evil sidenote about self<---has a work-outing tomorrow that includes swimming<---is bringing camera to capture embarrasing moments like people wearing bikinis that shouldn't be
<---is really looking forward to it
<---wants to know if that is wrong?!
<--wave hello to the OAL
<--is having a rough day
<--doesn't want to bring down the group, but asks for support, please
<--is extremely self absorbed today
<--apologizes for that
<--will go try to turn the frown upside down!

<---Waves to ALL the chickies this fine hump day!
<---Desperately hopes that everyone has a good day and sends armpit farts to all
<---Wishes she could have stayed in bed this am but.... :)
<---Has been watching the Olympics every night and staying up WAY too late! :)
<---Says "Oh well!"
<---States that not much is new here and will scoot for now!
<-- waves Good Morning
<-- is LOL about Lorie's lyrics and waves to QB
<-- waves hello to Tammy
<-- thinks Amelia can start going to bed earlier after the olympics :D
<-- wonders what Shelley is up to today
<-- tells Catherine no going back to bed, here have some coffee

<-- is happy to see Wendi here
<-- won't ask about the vermin but wonders how many snake babies Liann has now
<-- thinks Beavs should get the sugar-free cookies :p
<-- is tired just looking at Evily's w/o
<-- is LOL about Wilson's plan of capturing embarrassing moments :eek:
<-- hopes Anne's day takes a turn for the better
<-- is still sipping on tea and doesn't want to get moving
<-- did CCV6 this morning and got attacked (again) by swarms of mosquitos
<-- is really annoyed the little suckers are back
<-- is off to bug DH to finally fix the dishwasher
<-- it's been broken for 2 months and <-- doesn't want to handwash all those darn dishes :(
<-- wishes everyone a fantabulous day

<-- runs back in to wave to Melissa
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<---loves todays lyrics
<---sends Carola some Off for her next run
<---waves to Melissa and is glad she is enjoying the Olympics
<---meant to stay up for gymnastics last night but fell asleep
<---sends some hugs to Anne
<---LOL at Wilson's photography plan
<---says there is nothing wrong with that as long as you share them with us;)
<---will keep fingers crossed for Amelia and the job
<---says whoever has the chocolate chip cookies better send some over here
<---wonders if they are organic as organic cookies don't count:p
<---does not envy Liann having to bath matted piggies tonight
<---waves to everyone <---missed
<---needs to go clean the house:(


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