
I had gotten several total body weight work outs in very short time by ordering the BB and I series only weeks apart...I have done Supersets, Push pull and the Pyramids...I think the only one left for me to do is Muscle Endurance...How does it rate against the Pyramids? Harder, easier??? Just curious so I know what I am in for when I finally decided to take a stab at it....;)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Hi Wendy! I feel like I'm "stalking" you today LOL!

ME is an endurance workout; the Pyramids are more strength focused (although there is definitely an endurance component to them, too). ME is alot like CTX Upper Body Split and Leaner Legs combined, but with shorter time spent on each muscle group. The music is excellent, and the entire workout is a hoot. The core work with the medicine ball is one of her most challenging; I imagine you will want to substitute this part, as it is done mostly on your back.

OOOH...sounds painful! }(

I really like Leaner Legs and UBS is a frier but I can do it...and after surviving PUB I feel like I can handle ANY upper body work out! LOL I don't have it in my rotation right now cause I was kind of afraid of it but I think I'll have to find a spot for it and try it atleast once this month!

And don't worry about "stalking" me! You can "follow me around" and answer ALL of my questions if you want to...that's fine with me!!! lol :)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I really like ME, it's nice using lighter weights but it will fry you because of how many reps you do. Give it a shot and just do what you can, no reason to be scared. Have fun! It does have fun music too.
ME is absolutely one of my big time favorite. Just wait for the biceps and abs part... Mari
I had UBS scheduled for tmrw and LL scheduled for friday...I'm thinking of "tossing" them and doing ME either tmrw or friday and throwing in an extra cardio on the other day....I'll let you all know how I like it if I do that!}( :) }(

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Just to echo the others here... ME is one tough workout. When I first got the Intensity series, I was so in love with the Pyramids that I just let ME sit around for a long time. when I finally did it I couldnt' believe how little muscle endurance I had!

Good luck and have fun.
Oh, I hope you do! I'd like to hear what you think of it! Just a note of "caution" - go LIGHT with the bicep weight!! Cathe herself only uses a 15lb barbell. The bicep section of this workout is rather infamous. It starts off okay, but it will surprise you how loooooooooong she goes! It's a terrific segment, and you will feel the burn!

The first half of the workout is the toughest, because she starts off with all of the large muscle groups (legs, back, chest), which really gets your heart rate up, and keeps it up there. Once you get past the glute raises, she moves onto the smaller upper body muscle groups (triceps, shoulders), which work the muscles hard, but don't require as much respiration, so it appears to become easier. At least, that's how I experience this workout. You will need an incline bench for only one segment that's about half-way through: chest (I presume you won't be doing the core work?). She does the tricep work sitting on the high-step, and for one exercise she uses a 10lb barbell plate. You can easily substitute a light dumbell, held horizontally between both hands.

Can you tell I'm missing my workouts??

I hope you enjoy ME! It's so much fun!
I think ME is one of the most under rated workouts ever! It is the 1st Cathe workout I had ever done and fell in love immediately so maybe that is why I am smitten! I bought it about 1.5 years ago and not a week has gone by when I didn't do it at least once but usually twice!

I Love this one, I think it is super tough if you use the right weight selection. Cathe goes super light on leg press but admits they are doing so to show perfect form. Use 40 pounds on the leg press and you've got a workout!

This (and HSTA) are my all time favorites! Let us know your review!
Ok, ME is done!

I saw the "express premix" on the menu screen and boy was I was tempted to "cheat", lol, but I didn't give in...I did the entire work out...minus the abs.

WOW! What a work out! I feel like such a wimp!x( I was using such light weight yet by the end of most exercises I felt like I was lifting 100#!!!

Cathe is pure evil! }( }( }(
I mean that in a GOOD way, ofcourse! ;)

The biceps were killer, I agree but I thought the chest was too! And if I had to do one more set up leg presses I was gonna cry!;( lol
Speaking of leg belly is getting in the way...I wonder if I can lower my step height and have them still be affective??

Those glute raises were completely new to me...I think I need to practice them...I must have been doing something wrong coz I felt most of the work in my quads!?!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Glad you like ME! I love this one, mostly because of all the leg presses.

I still have to really concentrate on the glute raises and sometimes think my legs are just too short but I never give up! In your defense, your entire center of gravity is all out of whack and I can see that making this move very challenging to master!

GREAT JOB doing the whole workout!
Glad you liked it Wendy! For me, every one of Cathe's workouts has some part that I dread, and with ME, it's the leg presses! ABSOLUTELY lower your step if your belly is in the way. Yes, they will still be effective. I think they might hit the muscles slightly differently, but whatever muscles they hit, they will do them some good.

WRT the glute raises, yes you will feel them in the quads a bit, but to make sure you are working the glute, put your weight in your heel, not your forefoot. Also, make sure your upper body remains quite stable, and is not bobbing up and down. You should feel like you are moving in a backwards-down direction, not an up-and-down direction. I had to ask DH to watch me do these, because initially I never felt like I was doing them right. His feedback helped alot.

Don't you think her little laugh at the end of the biceps is that of an evil genius?

Thanks for the feedback, Sandra!

I will definately lower my step for leg presses from now on until after the baby is born! Like you said, it may work the legs differently but that's fine as long as they are working! ;-)

I will work on those glute raises for certain.

You know I really wish I had the wall space for a mirror in my work out area...I think that would help me tremendously with my form on all exercises! Do you know what I do to check my form these days? It's very silly, please don't laugh! I actually will, if I can, position myself in front of my computer monitor screen and look at my reflection to check my form! LOL But sometimes depending on the exercise I am doing I can't see what I need to in order to make sure I am doing it right! Am I a total dork or what!? :p :D :+

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
ME is my favorite of them all - to me, it is also the most challenging. (even compared to muscle max) I LOVE it. It is definately more of an endurance workout...but, very hard. I love the glute raises she does to an Elvis remix song. It is worth the money!

Oh, and the abs are a killer!!! It is great! (did I forget to tell you that this workout is great!?!?!) ha ha
>Wendy, you're not a dork, your resourceful!

You know something, you are absolutely right!...I just FEEL like a dork admitting that this is what I do! lol

One day I WILL have a work out room that has everything I want/need in it...I am determined!....and what a wonderful day that will be!!!:7

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I just have to say that I love ME. I think it is a very versatile workout. I usually use it as an add on at the end of the week to burnout the total body or else I do the ub/lb split as an add on to a cardio day. I definitely have gotten my money's worth out of this one. It also has rockin' music!
ME was my first introduction to Cathe! Love it! It's my all time fav. I do it at least once a week. Those leg presses NEVER get easier really. In fact...I have upped the weights...but felt so unstable. So...I incorporated the mean bad band! EEK! The high step with a super tight band...that is a really over the top burn!

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