Maybe the "Pink Ribbons" should turn attention to aspartame

RE: Maybe the

>Imagine if autism was caused by artificial sweeteners...who
>says that it does not? Every mother I know who has an autistic
>child was/is on diet drinks....

Hi Katerchen,

That's interesting you mentioned how many moms of autistic children you know drank diet sodas etc. My DS (10 yo) is on the Autism Spectrum (he has ADHD as well). I actually never drank diet soda etc (hated the taste) so fortunately I can be grateful I wasn't responsible for his condition, other than bad genes from myself or DH.):(

However, his pediatric neurologist told me diet sodas etc. affect brain function and not to give him any. We were never big diet or regular soda drinkers before, but now I'm certainly more vigilant when he goes to friends' houses or at other social functions.

Personally, I think the neurologist's opinion carries some weight as he's a person with considerable medical background in a relevant field and has no particular reason for advising me away from diet products other than health.

From now on, I'm going to be more decisive. Possibly.
RE: Maybe the

<I have noticed on these forums that people who use artificial sweeteners are defending their action just like smokers and/or alcoholics do.>
I find it equally interesting that others are overstepping their bounds in preaching to others about personal choices. I don't think anyone should have to defend their actions on either side of the fence to fitness snobs. Now off have my diet coke spike with rum and nice fat stogie.
RE: Maybe the

I tend to agree Sparrow. I'll skip the aspartame when sucanet and agave are so dang nice (used spsringly of course...heh hmmmmm) ;-)
RE: Maybe the

><I have noticed on these forums that people who use
>artificial sweeteners are defending their action just like
>smokers and/or alcoholics do.>
>I find it equally interesting that others are overstepping
>their bounds in preaching to others about personal choices. I
>don't think anyone should have to defend their actions on
>either side of the fence to fitness snobs. Now off have my
>diet coke spike with rum and nice fat stogie.


That's because the main goal of fitness forums is to build a strong and healthy body; artificial sweeteners, cigarettes, and booze do not belong.
RE: Maybe the

Actually, the goal of the forums is to provide support to people at the various stages of their fitness journeys, not pass judgment on their personal habits.
RE: Maybe the

><I have noticed on these forums that people who use
>artificial sweeteners are defending their action just like
>smokers and/or alcoholics do.>
>I find it equally interesting that others are overstepping
>their bounds in preaching to others about personal choices. I
>don't think anyone should have to defend their actions on
>either side of the fence to fitness snobs. Now off have my
>diet coke spike with rum and nice fat stogie.

RE: Maybe the

>Actually, the goal of the forums is to provide support to
>people at the various stages of their fitness journeys, not
>pass judgment on their personal habits.

And amen to that too!
RE: Maybe the

>Actually, the goal of the forums is to provide support to
>people at the various stages of their fitness journeys, not
>pass judgment on their personal habits.

Thank you, Beavs. My personal "vices" are no one's business but my own. I appreciate the info that the OP provided and I will make my own decisions based on it. No one has any right to pass judgement on what I put in my coffee or drink with my lunch.

I'm gonna head over to Beavs' house for a couple margaritas and some nachos.

RE: Maybe the

>Actually, the goal of the forums is to provide support to
>people at the various stages of their fitness journeys, not
>pass judgment on their personal habits.

Totally agree. There are far too many folks "should-ing" all over everybody else.


"The winds of grace are always blowing but it's you who must raise your sail." - Sri Ramakrishna
RE: Maybe the

This post IS in the open discussion area. Therefore it can be about anything not just fitness. I think she posted out of concern for others and for those that WANT to read her article. If you don't then don't read it and move to the next post. If you disagree just say you disagree. I don't see the need to attack the OP for the thread. I think people are way over sensitive IMHO. Almost like how DARE you disagree with me on anything. Personally, I'm glad we can discuss such issues openly. Esp since many here would be interested for health reasons.
RE: Maybe the

Hey, this kind of reminds me of Gilda Radnor singing "Goodbye Saccharine" circa 1976.

Of course, since then there has been no proven correlation between saccharine & cancer...........;-)
RE: Maybe the

<I'm gonna head over to Beavs' house for a couple margaritas and some nachos.>
Sure, drag me into your carb loaded alcohol fueled debauchery }( ;)
RE: Maybe the

My personal "vices" are no one's business
>but my own. I appreciate the info that the OP provided and I
>will make my own decisions based on it.


I don't think your vices are your business anymore when you sign up in Catheland. Didn't you read the user agreement :7 :p ;)

All vices will be exposed and you get brainwashed until there are no more vices and we all look like Cathe (well, one can always wish :-(

Com'on peeps, chill out, the OP didn't mean any harm, she seems to be really passionate about it and since when is discussing things passing judgement? And if you don't start chilling out, I will start another thread about dog food :p

Dances out of thread singing "kumbaya" - oh well, maybe no singing :p
RE: Maybe the

FYI--I was not responding to the original poster but another comment which I enclosed in snippets.
RE: Maybe the

I'm finding this thread very interesting. I've always had an addiction to soda. I'm addicted to caffeine but I don't drink coffee so I get it from sodas instead. I was finally able to make the switch from regular soda to diet a couple of years ago (I had tried to switch to diet several times but couldn't stand the aftertaste)

I thought my extra 10-15 pounds would melt off when I stopped drinking 6 sodas a day. They're still hanging around though. I suffer from daily headaches and have been thinking that the aspartame has been causing them. I'm really going to make an effort to give them up.

RE: Maybe the

I think there is a soda called Zazzle that is much lighter in sugar that might help you ease your way into sugar/sweetener free beverages. I worked my way down, drinking flavored water until I could go with water sweetened with fresh lemon or lime.
RE: Maybe the

Well, as the OP, I purposely stayed away all day today. Some of the responses I got about this really upset me and I didn't want to put myself through anymore torture, but someone emailed me and said a few of you came in voicing support, so I thought I'd see what had transpired while I was gone.

I really didn't mean to sound preachy, if that's how I cam across. Yes, I am passionate about this topic, because I am passionate about being the healthiest I can be. I am also passionate about teaching others how THEY can be the healthiest THEY can be. I really don't want to force my beliefs on anyone, though (although I can be like a bull in a china store on occasion). I mean, I'm in charge of buying the groceries for my company (what can I say, I work for a cool dude who foots the bill on food for the office) and I cringe every time I have to buy Diet Pepsi...but I do it and I keep my mouth shut, because this is not the arena to voice my findings/research/beliefs about artificial sweeteners and share what I think is a realm of better health. This message board, on the other hand, is such a realm, where we all come together to discuss ways to be healthier. What better place to say, "Hey, maybe aspartame is a source of your health problems. Check this out and look into it." ?

This is a topic I've been interested in for years, and that I've read up on quite a bit. All that and what my dad (the chemist) taught me make me feel like I know quite a bit about it. Otherwise, I'd keep my mouth shut. But, as I emailed to my friendly message board correspondent, keeping my mouth shut would do a huge disservice to anyone who could benefit from hearing what I've learned, no matter how I voice it. I mean, I've seen comments by people who actually thought about this topic AWAY from the board, while they were doing daily chores, etc. Others have said that they will look deeper into the possibility that just maybe aspartame is causing their headaches and other problems. That's all I raise awareness. To make people think and not just take for granted that they were being told the truth.


P.S. Along with religion and politics, I'd like to add that aspartame should be added as a topic you should never discuss at work, if this thread is any indication.


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