May rotation check-in 5/26 - early


Hi everyone!
I thought I would start this early because I won't be with a computer on Monday because of the Memorial Day holiday. I finished off the third week (CTX week) and I really enjoyed doing CTX a day at a time. I noticed that (for the most part) I was able to go heavier on the weight work. I cannot explain it. I did do PC first and LL second and my legs felt pretty cooked for a few days then recovered nicely by the time I got to Kickbox. *** I'm looking forward to slow & heavy this week. I haven't done it in a long time. -joy
Hi Joy,

Glad to hear you had a good week. I still have two more days to go! I did Kickbox today and was pretty tired by the time I was finished - I've actually had a good week but I didn't sleep well last night and I think that's why I was pooped after the workout. Like you, I found that I was able to go heavier on the weights. I am also looking forward to the Slow & Heavy week 'cause I haven't used that series in months! Have a great weekend!

Hi ladies,
I had a good week as well.I am only into my first week and it looks as if I will only be able to do week 2.Just as I get myself motivated to do something, something else always happens.I will be starting a new job and I have to go away in a week for 3 weeks.Hopefully there will be a gym in the hotel.
I added some extra running into this week.It went good but then I did something to my foot wednesday night and it still hurts.Lucky for me yesterday was a rest day and today was just weights.Lets pray that it will be completely better tomorrow:) Hope everyone else had a good to bed.
Hey all! It sounds like everyone had a great week. I did not stick with the May rotation at all, but I hope you guys don't mind my continuing to post here. It is nice to check in and see what others are doing. I had every intention of sticking with this rotation, but I just was not in CTX mood this week. I plan on doing Body Max tomorrow. Next week I will try to stick with the rotation as much as possible. I do not own Slow and Heavy so I will substitute portions of the Pyramids in place of S&H and just go as heavy as I can. I will substitute another cardio for Step Heat because I don't care for that workout. Keep up the great work everyone. Lori, I hope your foot heals quickly. Congratulations on your new job. I will pray for safe travel for you. Joy and Alexandria have a great holiday weekend!
Hi all!

Tomorrow I'm scheduled to do Step & Intervals. Last week I was down with the flu and only worked out Mon. and Tues. So far, this week went pretty good. I've noticed that I can do the CTX workouts without taking a break, like I did before. Next week will be my first on the Slow & Heavy Series. Any tips on what I should be expecting? I never even viewed the DVD yet. I purchased it last month together with the PS Series.

I'm anxious to find out what the June rotation will be. I am hoping that I have all the workouts included in that rotation.

Talk to you guys next week and have a great Memorial Day weekend.

Hi everybody,
I had a GREAT MEM day weekend. I hope everyone else did too. Alexandra, I haven't done s & h since last Dec! I'm half way through the final week and I've done 2 of the 3 S&H workouts. Those really do take a lot of concentration. Lori, I read about your new job and Congratulations! One nice thing about running, it is very portable! I hope your foot feels better. Its strange how you can hurt it and not even know it until later. Hey Gogigi, check in whether you rotate or not LOL! You know, Step Heat isn't my favorite workout either and I am SURE it is because of that hideous red background. I do think the Ab section is pretty tough. Oh Nette, sorry about the flu. Lets see, tips about S&H. I thought I would be able to go heavier than I did, and except for legs, going slow really makes that tough. The leg workout is easier to me than LL or PS L&A. Yesterday I did C&B and I think I may have used to much shoulder in the back workout - especially the double arm lat rows because today my rear delts are sore...I'm looking forward to the June rotation too. I don't know how Cathe does it all.... Hope everyone has a great week. -joy
Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend.
Last week I did S&H because it fit easier into my schedule. This week I am doing CTX. Last week was actually my first attempt at S&H. I have had them since they first came out but I was pregnant at the time and for some reason never worked them into my rotations. I agree that the leg portion was not as difficult as some of Cathe's other leg workouts.
Good luck with your job and your foot Lori. Also, Joy, thank you for asking Cathe in regards to why she put Power Circuit back to back with LL. I was very curious also. I am not doing that this time around however. I am putting a little time inbetween.
Have a great week everyone. Can't wait to see what is next for June.
Hi all! Hope everyone had a great Memorial weekend. This week is Slow & Heavy workout, actually, my first time doing the series.

Mon: nada
Tues: I did S&H legs and shoulders today and really enjoyed it. I really like the idea of going slow coz I can lift heavier weights that way. I also did 1/2 of the Imax 2 workout, didn't get to workout yesterday, so I am trying to make up for lost time.
Wed: will be the other half of Imax 2 (doing this instead of Imax 1) and S&H chest, back and abs.
Thurs: Cardio Kicks
Fri: S&H Bis & Tris
Sat: don't have Step Heat, so I will do Power Max or Step Max

Our May rotation is coming to an end and can't wait to see what the June rotation is like. Hopefully, we can continue our check-ins.

Enjoy your workouts!

"Mon: nada
Tues: I also did 1/2 of the Imax 2 workout, didn't get to workout yesterday, so I am trying to make up for lost time. "

LOL! Nette, that was my thinking exactley. I didn't workout on Monday either so today I did S&H Legs in the AM and then did Cardio & Weights (step premix) in the evening just to make up for lost time!

Tomorrow is IMAX1 - yikes, I hope my body can handle it!


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