May I have your attention please...


I have now crossed the threshold into official geekdom with 2000 posts. [Takes a bow]. ;) I'd like to thank Nancy & Shelley for paving the way for small time posters like me. I can only aspire to their post counts. ;)

Special recognition also goes to Melissa who recently hit 2000 posts as well. Way to go girl! ;)
>Way to go Jess!!! Woo Hoo!
>Wendy - You're my hero!

As well as a geek w/no life!:7

Congrats to ya Jess!
How do you get that many posts? I am always in awe and bow in reverence! Does chatty online persona translate to chatty person in real life? Good job anyway!
Lol, actually I'm more or less making fun of my post total. I'm on the lower end. We've got a number of girls over 10,000! And a bunch are over 3000. It's taken me several years just to get to 2000. ;) As far as chatty online translating to chatty in person, there may be some truth to that. ;)
Well, Liann - you'll soon catch up to me! And I've been a member longer than you. I suppose I should get busy and post. :7

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