May 10 Check in Thursday 27th***********


Good morning ladies....

We got done with all our testing yesterday..YEAH!!! So, today I am going to take the kids to get some ice cream at Cold Stone.
I like to give them a special treat at the end of the year..We are also hitting the library today and a couple of other errands, too. The kids may also want to go to the park now that Lauren is feeling better...

Workout today is a 45 minute run. I am subbing an Amy Bento Hi/lo for that and I am hoping to be able to start next week getting the kids over to the track and running in the morning. Especially when it starts getting really hot. They aren't too happy about that news flash. But, I told them they were not sitting around all day playing on computers and nintendo ds gadgets and watching tv...The pool opens Memorial Day weekend. That will give them outside time in the afternoons..

Anyway, we are done with school for this year. In the summer, I plan to work with them on improving their handwriting (horrible) and they continue to read and I have some educational dvds I want them to watch so they can keep the info flowing through the summer...

Ok, I will be able to get my workout done a little earlier today!

Hey ya Kathy!

YAY for the kids finishing their testing! I'm sure they are happy they could do it, and well motivated!

Have fun with your cardio today. I know you've said you enjoy Amy's Hi/Lo before. Good idea on going out early for a run at the track. Which track do you use? At a local high school? or college? The local college has a track, but I never know if it's ok to just go run on it.

We had a WICKED bad storm here last night! The wind was so strong and loud! Along with a constant stream of lightening, the sky never got dark, it was flash,flash,flash for an entire hour. Of course, this all happened at Midnight! just after I fell asleep. Thankfully Greg was home. We have a few trees down in our woods, but other places got hit harder. The college had a big tree fall, and Jake's elementary school (which is right near it) has no power, and they are closed today! Funny thing was he woke up this morning at 4:45am telling me he needed tylenol. He had a fever (he had one at suppertime last night too). No other symptoms, good appetite even, just a headache and a fever.

Kind of puts a wrench in our plans though. Greg and I were going to head to Target and look at a swimming pool. Guess he'll go alone. But I really wanted to go to Target!

Hottie: Hope your rollercoaster rides end today! And both work and home straighten out a bit. I feel badly that home is still a mess for you. Is it GETTING better? ... thanks for the amazon link for the goofy bands! going to look around here a bit, and then maybe go to amazon. I actually have a GC for $25 for there (from our amazon credit card) , so I could buy some there plus something else to get free shipping.

So my workout is supposed to be legs today. I think I may do P57 and then some plyo moves from one of the STS Plyo workouts. Not the weights, just the plyos. Or maybe I should look for that Plyo workout from Mindy. What the heck workout was that? I forget!!!

Beth and Joanne!!!

Time to move!
Good morning! TGIT! I'll be so glad when today is done, but at least all of the friggin' 5th grade projects are done! woot! Tonight is open house at school, so all the showing off of what they've been cramming together for the last few weeks and months! It's gonna be a looooonnnnng day because work, piano, and then open house. Barely time for dinner. We get to hear a little intro about the middle school tonight -- yesterday the 5th graders went over for a tour and lunch.

Back to yesterday..... yes, in real life, for a while, my name was Beth Lemon! Crazy, eh? I laughed so hard the first time we watched 30 Rock and her name was Liz Lemon. And, I am kind of socially nerdy-awkward the way she is. I guess that's partly why we like it!! If only I were half as creative....

And we don't have those goofy bands here yet..... Travis still wears a rainbow of the Lance Armstrong-type of bands -- I don't know when he will ever take them off! I suppose they are really out of fashion. I thought about being the first to start the goofy band trend, but honestly they look like something that's just going to fill up a landfill, sort of, don't they? Do you put your hand through the middle part?

And Dumb Training is dumb bells -- it's all you need. Like that's unique!! I liked it ok, Joanne, but it was on the easy side and my heart rate didn't get up very high during the cardio portions (which are pretty brief).

Kathy, congrats on the testing being done! I know about trying to get them out and doing things! My kids love to be outside doing stuff, but a lot of times their inclination is to sit inside doing whatever -- I guess that's just how kids are.

Chris, are you guys buying a swimming pool, is that what you meant? Sorry about the storm, fever, and power out, oh my!! Be careful what you wish for, I guess -- well, not liking the heat yesterday, anyway. When I ran last weekend I didn't drink much water, and an hour or so afterward my stomach was killing me. I wondered if it was because my water consumption was less. But, I don't like to drink much when I run.

Hottie, sorry things are crazy. I am in quite a funk myself, but I find it somewhat grounding to try to keep to my normal routine as much as possible, like checking in and stuff. But I know that sometimes it just gets impossible to work everything in! Hang in there!!

Have a great day!
Hey again!

I ended up doing the first part of P57, minus the abs. Can I just say AGAIN that workout burns the CRAP out of my thighs, especially quads!!!! I almost want to cry! Hottie, I know you've done that one, don't you think it really HURTS!?!? I skipped the abs (did BBL TT yesterday) and then put in Plyo Legs Disc 26 and did ALL the plyo moves (no weights). WooT WooT!!!! that was KIND OF fun (kind of).

Beth: I was just thinking how our weather REALLY flip flopped with you, since yOU are the one usually talking about big storms/wind/power outages. Flip flop! ... It's nice out now. 70's , sunny. That's what ya get with a big storm like that (usually). ... Good to hear your projects have reached an end! Today sounds crazy busy! For once, we have NOTHING today. NOTHING. What? that can't be! ... Yes, we want to buy a pool. It's those portable ones, you can take down. We keep going bigger and bigger with them. This one is 48 inches high, 16 feet wide. Nice size. They last a few years. Another thing I really want to buy (for our anniversary , which is TOMORROW! :eek:) is one of those firepits. I think we'd all get into having a fire in the summer, roasting marshmallows, making s'mores, (drinking beer!). Do any of you guys have one?.... LOVE the last name Lemon! ..... Oh, beth, really? Horizontal Max? That sounds a little like something you were doing with Larry last night. is that what you meant?? :p;)

So maybe we'll take Jake to Target. I really want to go. I'll check for a fever first.
Good workout, Chris!

I knew when I typed that that someone would think that's what I meant. In reality, it was StayInBed Max. I was awake, but just didn't feel like moving, so I just stayed under the covers doing nothing!! ;)

It's pouring here!!! Have fun at Target..... (oh, and we keep buying those pools, too. They don't last as long for us as they ought to. We keep talking about having a real pool put in, but each summer nothing has been done and it's hot and Larry just wants to jump into something!).
Hi ladies...

It is so hot here today!! Anyway, the kids enjoyed their treat from Cold Stone...Then, we hit the library and the grocery store...We picked up a watermelon. We love love love watermelon!! I got my workout in too. I did Amy's Hi/Lo Dome Challenge...I just did the hi/lo part and skipped the abs and power up stuff. I knew that I had Body max 2 to do tomorrow!!

Chris: Hope Jake is better...Hate those fevers!!

Beth: Hope you enjoyed that rest. Sometimes we just need it!!
Hi ladies! We had a retreat at work today so I was out of the office all day. I was sooo tired - I was worried I was going to fall asleep during it. I definitely zoned out quite a bit. Ian has this bad cough - I think it's actually allergies. Anyway last night we was coughing and coughing. I couldn't find any cough medicine. He kept waking me up. Finally I hear a voice at the top of the stairs saying mom? Oh no. He threw up all over his bedroom floor. Praise the lord for hardwood floors is all I can say! Hard to fall back asleep after dealing with that. He's on the top bunk, thankfully it missed Colin on the bottom. He slept through the whole thing. I told Ian he could stay home today, but he wanted to go to school.

Kathy, congrats on your kids finishing the year! They must be so happy! I love Amy's hi/lo.

Beth, I'm glad Chris asked - I was wondering what kind of horizontal max you meant! ;) I think of myself as socially nerdy-awkward, too - we'd probably get along great!! Thank god no more projects!!

Chris, that's quite a tough workout! Your legs must be on fire! We have a firepit. The few times we've used it it's been fun, but we just don't think to use it that much. Enjoy your day of nothingness!

Hottie, oh no, I haven't read the end of yesterday's thread, but sounds like things aren't going so well. :( I'll go back and read, but man, you need to catch a break!! Girls weekend away sounds good - let's all meet up somewhere! ;)

I did an Insanity workout this morning - plyo cardio circuit. It was tough with little sleep, but I muddled through.

Jameson is on his 8th grade trip to Great America today. I'm a bit apprehensive about it - they let them all go off on their own. They just need to check in at 2:00 and then when they leave at 6:00. I was just thinking how it seems like yesterday he was an infant and now he's off running around at a huge amusement park with no adult supervision! I'm getting really sappy about his graduation - I got teary-eyed when he brought home his gown for graduation last night. I hope I don't embarrass him too much at the ceremony. And, this is just grade school! I'm a sap, what can I say?

OK, since I'm home early, I should probably think about making something for dinner...


man, its been just crazy. so just a quick synposis: after what was a nice weekend, Joe and I just imploded Sunday night/Monday morning. And then he did something that completely crossed the line, and I just became dead serious and I pulled out the d-word. And Joe knew I wasn't kidding. And man, guys, I was ready. I almost shut down into this weird calm, cold state. so then the next several hours with no sleep was Joe spending on trying to convince me to give him another chance, the meds are working, blahblah, and I eventually find out that via email (because I had not gone into work at that point because of implosion) that my boss wasn't funding any of the graduate students in the fall. So, I drove through rush hour traffic to lab, started work, and then eventually landed up in my boss's office where we "discussed" the financial situation. I was happy that he was being fair with everyone (unlike the last time this happened), but still unhappy with my situation. By the end of the conversation, I had effectively lobbied to become the exception but I still had to pursue other options. So, I'm freaking out about the idea of having to dip into savings or ask my parents (and this wouldn't be an issue if we were still living in the apt btw) because I just want to get out out outand even if we do make it through without getting 2K/mo (that's how much my stipend is after taxes) how stressed and bitchy are the two of us going to be to each other and I'm thinking if this is god's way of telling me to give joe another chance because things become drastically more difficult if I go in that direction during this time. The next 24 hrs, I go frantically trying to find other avenues and doors that were open to me just weeks before were closed now and I finally had to send my boss an email (because he is out of the country travelling to Germany) to apprise him that I had exhausted this avenues but I was still shooting for a long shot to which he informed me in less than 10 words that he would fund me (and no one else). So I'm happy. But I'm his bitch. But as joe said, his bitches get published so why should I complain?

It doesn't sound so bad in that paragraph but trust me, it sucked.

Anyway, no workouts on Monday or Tuesday because of crap and I couldn't get my hair wet. Yesterday AS, today 4DS KB. It was funny --I had CCC in the dvd, started the warmup, and then my body literally got scared. The music I guess triggered fear. So, I listened to my body! Put in 4DS KB instead.

Kathy -- I LOVE COLD STONE! It's just too $$$ for me so I go to the cheap Baskin robbins next door. I'm glad its sort of on the cold side here. It means I'm not paying for heat or A/C.

Chris -- Oh I thought you had Amazon Prime or the visa card that's why I send the amazon link. p57 is so killer or the butt and legs for me. I should really try it again. I think there's something up with my right hip flexor. I can't describe it very well (I never can), but it feels like it gets rubbed or cramped in at times. not my left one though. i try to stretch it out and massage but it never goes away. Bugs me when I'm driving too. I was thinking about a smaller pool...for evee. Man I love to spoil her. And *I* knew it was your anniversary tomorrow (cuz its mine too).

Beth -- yes, I thought the same thing as Chris. Great minds. :) Hope you survived today! I don't know how you all do it. I can't even keep track of all my projects at work. I feel like I need a day to work on my lab book that hasn't been updated in half a year. I wish I was better about staying on routine when life is crazy but I literally feel like I'm going to dip into joe's adderral bottle so I can just keep on track for everything. Just floundering here. Thank god my boss is in Germany...

Ok, teeny tiny walk before doing the last experiment of the day...
Joanne -- poor Ian! Yes, girls weekend instead of an office retreat! Actually, I never go on the department retreats and I had a friend who asked me once why and I said, look, if you want to go, go and you'll see what I don't. So she went to hers and came back furious. She said, "You didn't tell me a retreat was just an excuse for scientists to trap all the students in a room and blather about their research!" And I said, "No, I didn't. I wanted you to suffer." Not to make you worry but the first time i was unchaperoned at an amusement park, i hung out with boys all day. ;)

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