May 10 Check in Thursday 13th***********


Good morning ladies....

Last night I watched the video posted from the San Diego Road Trip. Looks like lots of fun!! Hottie and Beth were either of you in the video?

Workout for me today is going to be Muscle Endurance. I decided to move the workouts around a little and do MMA: Boxing tomorrow. I still need to do a plyo legs that I missed on Monday since we were away..

Ok, time to start the day...Today is suppose to be our library day. But, we may go tomorrow instead..Not sure yet.

Be back later..
Ok, I just read your post from last night, Chris...You said that Beth and Hottie's hubby are on the video...Which ones are they??
Good Morning!!!

Never fails, I sleep Wednesday night without having to do Zach's blood sugar checks, and I feel soooooo fatigued on Thursday!

I thought I was going to go, but Greg just took off with Zach to get his braces! :eek: Should be interesting to see how he reacts to them. He's SUPPOSED to go into school afterwards, we'll see what happens. I was told by others that the "pain" starts in the afternoon and evening. Possibly the next morning. He's supposed to play his trumpet tomorrow at 8AM for a concert at school. I'm thinking that's not going to work out!?

This leaves me to get my "other" stuff done. Laundry, workouts, Walmart run, grocery run (JUST getting lettuce and strawberries!!!!...who I'm kidding? LOL).

Today I'm going to do BBL's: Bum Bum! And then planning on heading to the park for a run. Though I'm tempted to "save time" and do a HiiT instead. I should run, I haven't this week yet.

Kathy: ME is a tough one!!! good luck with that today, I'll bet you'll be feeling it tomorrow! I'm subbing my BBL/run today for Plyo Legs. I really want to change things up for my lower bod. .... Oh ya, the video! Ummm. lets see, Beth is in the beginning , I think. they show her buying/checking out cathe items at the table. I think twice? ... Joe , they interviewed! And then showed him later too. I think the interview is towards the beginning as well. ... Nope, no Hottie! ... No fair!!!! I think they should have interviewed you, H!!!
Thanks Chris..I will have to go back and watch it again this afternoon when the kids are done with their lessons...Ha, I don't think I ever go to a store and just buy what I go there to get. Good luck!! Enjoy the workout, too. Yes, the braces will probably give him pain this afternoon. They always told me to give Lauren tylenol right when we got home to help with the pain. Hope he is ok..Not sure about the trumpet playing though. I guess it depends on how he handles the pain and how much pain he ends up with. Is he getting a full mouth of braces or just partial? Oh and I have noticed with me that sometimes when I sleep more at night (longer) I feel more tired. Maybe it is quality of the sleep that makes the difference...

Gotta get back to lessons now...
Good morning ladies!

Oh, I'll have to watch that video. Is it long? Maybe at home tonight.

Chris, Jameson did have some pain the day he got his braces. Maybe a day or two afterwards. I think he missed one band practice cause he said it hurt too much to play. That must have been a Monday cause I know he got them on a Saturday. Ian didn't seem to have as much pain afterwards. Motrin or Tylenol should help. It's funny now how so many kids have braces and it's like the cool thing. A friend at work who just a little older than me just got braces! She has the invisaline ones, though, so you can't really tell. Good substitute for plyo legs!

Kathy, you are so good about sticking with rotations! Wish I could be so disciplined! Sometimes when I sleep too much I feel tired. Although that rarely, rarely happens! ;)

I had a good workout this morning. Have you guys ever heard of They've been mentioned on VF. They have a set of advanced and basic workouts, kickboxing, strength, step, pilates. They are really cheap, about $8 a DVD with two 60 minute workouts on each. Well, I ordered some of the advanced ones. Got them yesterday and did one of the strength ones. Wow, it was an awesome workout!! It was almost like a Jari Love workout, but I enjoyed it more. Didn't seem to drag at all. She used a barbell for most of it and did about five minutes for each body part. There were three leg segments - squats, deadlifts and lunges. The lunges just about killed me! Great ab section at the end. I think I'll try one of the step or kickbox ones tomorrow. I'm going to try to get in a run during lunch. Would like to go outside, but this weather stinks!! Been cold and rainy all week.

Beth, are you coming home soon? How are things with your mom?

Hi Hottie!!

Hey Joanne: The video is about 5 minutes long. I have bought from a place called or something like that. Is it the same one? I bought some FIRM workouts from there a while ago.

ok, the kids are doing their homework/reading/studying assignments. so, I am heading down to do Muscle Endurance now...

Be back later..
Hi. I saw the video & I'm impressed you knew it was me, Chris. Fun to watch -- does Wendy really buy egg lands best? :)

They are putting in an iv right now -- I guess it has to be just right for chemotherapy so this is at least the 2nd attempt. The nurses are really great! But we are already behind schedule don't know how important that is. I'm headed home tomorrow. I hate to leave, but the kids are really beginning to feel the effects of me not being there. My nursing-school niece will come for the changing of the guards.

I think playing a trumpet tomorrow is probably not happening. Not only will he be sore, but it'll take him a while to get used to having his lips with pressure up against the braces (having had braces & being a former trumpet player, I know). I hope he's ok!!
Beth, good to see you here. I'm sure the boys are missing you (all of them!), but I'm sure they understand. So tough to be away from home. Even though we were lucky that my dad was so close when he was sick, I felt guilty for being away from home so much. It's hard when parents get older or get sick and you have a family. You're being pulled in two directions. Anyway, keeping your mom in my thoughts.

I did my run during lunch. Only did a 20-minute itread. Didn't feel as wore out as when I do a longer one.

It's not even 1:00 yet. I've already worked out and ate lunch. The day is draaagggiinnng.....

I got through CCC! didn't think I could, but I did. It was a little easier this time until the fourth round when I started to crap out. And I'm late at work again. But it was worth it. Even if i'll be at lab forever.

Kathy -- Joe is the white guy that speaks every once in a while. I guess I was too uggo because I was next to him and Beth in a couple of the shots!

Chris -- you're probably conditioned now to feel that way on a Thursday! Like your body knows what day it is! It's best they didn't interview me -- you never know what's going to come out of my mouth.

Joanne -- come out to LA! It's freaking gorgeous right can run with evee and joe. I was thinking about getting invisalign for joe once we hit a different financial benchmark...though if I think about it it may suit me better than him. that said, no braces for people who don't brush and floss regularly (um, me and joe.). You probably didn't need to know that...

Beth -- did you get my message about the indian restaurant near the airport? I'm sure ALL of the men and gina will be happy you're around again. thanks for checking in all this week.

It's dragging for me too Joanne -- is it 8pm yet?!?!

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